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Locations consistent with both the above criteria must then <br />be judged against conditional criteria. These criteria do <br />not necessarily rule out any locations. They identify <br />performance standards which must be evaluated for the <br />specific facility at the proposed site. <br /> <br />Two sets of criteria have been developed. One set is for <br />siting off-site hazardous waste transfer, treatment, and <br />incineration facilities. These facilities temporarily hold <br />and transport, recycle or reduce hazardous materials prior to <br />reuse or storage in a residual repository. The second set of <br />criteria specifically deals with the siting of hazardous <br />waste residual repositories. These facilities are designed <br />for the long-term (permanent) storage of treated hazardous <br />waste materials. <br /> <br />The Planning staff has reviewed the siting criteria and finds <br />both sets to be adequate. They were developed from a series <br />of planning input meetings in early 1988, and, when utilized, <br />they served well in developing the maps provided in the Plan. <br />Using existing zoning maps and general plan maps supplied by <br />the affected cities, the siting criteria were overlaid along <br />with environmental information to illustrate areas where <br />hazardous waste management facilities could potentially be <br />located. <br /> <br />The CHWMP maps are illustrative and are not meant to be used <br />as a substitute for site-specific analysis. Instead, they <br />were developed to test the criteria and determine if the <br />County was able to provide sites for the handling of its own <br />waste. <br /> <br />As illustrated, the City of Pleasanton would likely have no <br />facilities located here. This is due to application of one <br />or more of the exclusionary criteria. However, the initial <br />mapping analysis suggests that a sizable number of sites <br />within the county remain worthy of further analysis. As <br />noted on the CHWMP maps, most of these are near 1-880 and the <br />greater number of generators. This is in line with the <br />policies of the plan. <br /> <br />The mapping analysis alone, however, does not rule out the <br />possibility that, through more careful scrutiny and <br />application of the siting criteria, a developer (private or <br />public) could propose a carefully designed transfer, storage, <br />treatment or incineration facility within one of the City's <br />existing industrial zones. It is highly unlikely that a <br />residual depository will be proposed within Pleasanton. <br /> <br />SR:88:299 <br /> <br /> <br />