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EXHIBIT A <br />JOM D OF AOiNIERS AGR~IFM FOR Tif <br />E+4ST BAY RE~~IONAL COIYMU+IGATpNS SYST~II AUTHORf lY <br />THIS JOINT EXERCISE OF POWERS AGREEMENT FOR THE EAST BAY REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS <br />SYSTEM AUTHORITY (the'Agreement~ is entered inm as of the day of ,2007, by and <br />among the <br />(hereinafter collectively ret+erred m as "Members' and ndividuaNy as'Membel~. <br />RECITALS <br />A WHEREAS, Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Catiforrtia Government Code authorises the <br />Merrthers m enter into an agreementfar the joht exerdse of any power common to them; and <br />B. WHF_REA3, the Members have the common powers, under their respective sovereign and <br />police powers, m acquire real, personal and intangif~le property and th plan, design, finance, constnxt, <br />operate, and maintain public safety radio c~mmunit~tion sysberr>s, faalities and related strtx:eures, and <br />appurtenances and irx~ental improvements thereto;and <br />G WHEREAS, the Members have determined that the publianlerest will be served by the <br />joint exercise of these corrtrrton powers through this Agreement and tl~e creation of a joint powers <br />authority m acquire, plan, design, fltartce, construr~, operate and mathtain a P25 compliant or <br />equivalent (as deTined herein) communications system serving Alameda and Contra Costa Counties <br />and individual political jurisdictions therein, and <br />Q WHEREAS, the Members have further determined that such an East Bay Regional <br />Comrxmications System Pr+ojerft (the "EBRCS Pte'), b which Members and non-members may <br />stthsatbe (the "Subscxrbers'~ subject m the previsions settorth her+e~, should be undertaken in orderlo <br />meet public safety oorrtrrrunk~ttion needs of the Members, and that the EBRCS Project wiA have regional <br />consequertoes beyond fhe Members' geograph~al jurisdit~orts, thus encouraging partidpatlon by other <br />governmental agencies ir>duding but not tirntied m the Stale and Federal government. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in oonsicteration of the prorr>ises, fierrrrs, conditions, and oovenanis <br />contained herein, the Members agree as follows: <br />AGREEMENT <br />1. Authority and Pug?ose. This Agreement is made under the authority of and pursuant m the <br />Joint Exerase of Powers Act, Chapter 5 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the Caliiomia Government Code <br />(oammertcing with Section ti500 et seq.) (the "Act'), relative b the joint exercise of powers contrrton m <br />the Members and as otherwise granted by the Act. The purpose of this Agreement is m provide for the <br />acquisition of red, personal and thtang~le property; and the plannhg, design, financing, regulation, <br />pemtiding, environmenhal evaluation, public outreach, oortstruction, operatan, and maintenance of the <br />EBRCS Project, or any identifiable portion of the EBRCS Project. Notwithstanding anything in this <br />Agreement m the contrary, each Member also reserves as of i~ rights and powers m proceed <br />Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement for the <br />East Bay Regional Communications System Authority <br />Final Ag-eemern: May 22, 2007 Page 1 of 11 <br />