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CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF PLEASANTON <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />ORDINANCE NO. 924 <br />AN ORDINANCE REZONING AP- <br />PRO%IMATELY 69 ACRES OF LAND <br />LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIOE OF <br />VALLEY AVENUE IMMEDIATE LV <br />I~P (INDUSTRIAL PARK) DIS <br />TO THE PU D~INDUST <br />UNIT MAP <br />OF THE CITY <br />S ORDAIN AS <br />Section 1. Rezones the parcel of <br />land approximately 69 acres m size <br />located on the south side of Valley <br />Avenue immediately easterly of the <br />residences along Kolln Street from <br />the I~P (Industrial Park) District to <br />the PUD-Industrial (Planned Unit <br />Development-Intlusiria0 Distract as <br />more particular)y described on Zon~ <br />ing Unrt Map 203. attached hereto <br />and incorporatetl herein by refer- <br />ence. <br />Section 2. The Zoning Map of the <br />City of Pleasanton, dated April 18, <br />1960. on file with the City Clerk, <br />designating and dividing the Qty <br />into zoning districts is hereby <br />amended by Zoning Unit Map No. <br />203, attached hereto as Exhibit A, <br />dated January 22, 1980. <br />Section 3. The conceptual plan <br />fora business/industrial complex <br />as submitted to Qty Counul at its <br />meeting of January g, 1980 is here- <br />by approved sublet[ to all the condi~ <br />lions set forth in Planning Commis <br />Sion Resolution No. 1834 and City <br />Council Resolution No. 8012, said <br />conditions set forth in Exhibit 8 ab <br />cached hereto antl incorporated her <br />ein by reference. <br />Section 4. This ordinance shall be <br />effective tMrty (30) tlays after the <br />Oate of its final passage and adop- <br />tion <br />SMion 5. This ordinance shall be <br />published once within fifteen (15) <br />days after lls adoption in THE <br />TIMES, a newspaper of general un <br />culahon, published in the City of <br />Pleasanton. <br />INTRODUCED at a regular meet- <br />ing of the City Council of the City of <br />Pleasanton on January 8. 1980. <br />ADOPTED at a regular meeting of <br />the City Council of the City of Pleas <br />anion on January 22, 1980, by the <br />following vote: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Butler, <br />Kephart Mercer, Wood & Mayor <br />Brandes <br />NOES None <br />ABSENT~NOne <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />FRANK C. BRANDES. IR.. <br />MAYOR <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM <br />/s/ Harvey E Levlne <br /> <br />Clayton E. Brown, <br />City Clerk <br />ey Dons George, <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />CONDITIONS OF <br />APPROVAL OF PUDJ9~13 <br />1. That approval of case PUD~ <br />J9~13 constitutes approval only of <br />Planned Unit Developmenhlndus~ <br />foal Zoning for the subject property: <br />this zoning shall allow abusiness/ <br />industrial park consisting of admim <br />istative headquarters; offices for <br />engmeenng and other technological <br />professions: research and develop <br />men[ activities: high technology <br />manufacturing: commercial activi~ <br />ties such as restaurants, duplicat- <br />ing services, branch banks, gas <br />stations, travel agencies. etc. in~ <br />tended mainly to service the park; <br />~_i <br />and a small proporfion of ware <br />house uses. <br />2. Thal poor to constructon of <br />any buildngs on the site, a final de- <br />velopment plan(s) must be submit <br />fed to the Planning Commission <br />and the Council for approval, said <br />plan(s) to more specifically indicate <br />uses: architectural design; site de~ <br />velopment standards such as <br />height, setback, location of parking <br />facilities, screening of loading facili~ <br />ties. etc.: and landscaping among <br />other information. <br />3. That a soils investigation of <br />existing soils, pit areas and filled <br />pits be conducted prior to submittal <br />of a final development plan to tleter- <br />minethe extent of existing soil to be <br />removed and measures to make the <br />property safe for cOnstruchOn. The <br />soils investigation would be done by <br />a qualified consultant under coin <br />tract with the City and the cost of <br />the study reimbursed to the City by <br />the developer. That case PUD~ <br />7913 be returned to the Commis <br />lion if the depth of soil to be re- <br />moved equals 10 ft. or more. <br />4 That all imported fill'and ex~ <br />ported debris be transported to an0 <br />from the site via EI Charro/Busch <br />Road. <br />5. Thal a haul route be approved <br />by the Qty for fill and removal of <br />spoils prior to commencement of <br />grading. <br />6. That silt traps be installed and <br />that the property be revegetate0 <br />with native grasses as soon as the <br />final grade is reached in order to <br />control dust generation. <br />7. That trucks (pf all sizes) maN~ <br />ing pickups and deliveries shall be <br />allowed to service the subject prop. <br />erty only between the hours o1 7:30 <br />am and 5:30 pm. <br />8. That trucks servicing the sub <br />jest property shall not be more than <br />2-axles m srze until EI Charro Road <br />is available at all times to acommo~ <br />date trucks generated by the sub <br />jest properly. <br />9. That the developer enter into <br />an agreement with the City ap- <br />proved by the City Attorney agree <br />ing to participate in an assessment <br />district for the improvement and/or <br />purchase of EI Charro Road and to <br />agree to use EI Charro Road exclu~ <br />srvely for all truck traffic generated <br />by the subject property leaving or <br />entering the City of Pleasanton <br />when that road becomes available <br />for such use. <br />10. That construction on the suD~ <br />lect property (including grading and <br />striping) be limited to week days <br />only between the hours of 7:30 A. M. <br />and 5'30 P.M. <br />I1. That a grading plan be sub- <br />mitted to the Qty for approval prior <br />to commencement of grading. <br />12. That the landscape butler on <br />the west side be increased Irom 25 <br />ft. to 30 tt. <br />13. That the minimum distance <br />between any building on the subject <br />property and any residenlial lot brae <br />shall be 75 It. <br />I4. That the maximum height of <br />any building along the west side of <br />the subject property shall be 14 fL <br />from finished grade. <br />15. That there be no restaurants <br />or other high traffic generating <br />types of uses established on the <br />west side of the development. <br />16. That a dust control plan be <br />submitted to the City for approval <br />and that a restriction be put on d to <br />eliminate grading when words reach <br />15 mph. <br />17. That "D" circle come no clos- <br />er than 200 ft. to the western prop <br />erty tine of the subjec4property. <br />Legal PT~VT 4020 <br />Publish January 31, 1980 <br />