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<br />CITY COUNCIL OF trigs and individual site landscaping <br />THE CITY OF PLEASANTON and parking shall require approval <br />ALAMEDA COUNTY, by the Design Review Ooard prior to <br />CALIFORNIA issuance of building permits. <br />3. That the developer provide the <br />ORDINANCE N0. 928 appropriate traffic control device <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A (stop or yield sign or traffic signal) <br />DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR JOHN at the Valley Avenue/"A" Drive im <br />AND JOAN CAROLINE FOR A BU31- <br />NESS PARK TO BE LOCATED ON A tersechon in conlunction with com <br />69 ACRE PARCEL ON THE SOUTH struction of street improvements in <br />SIDE OF VALLEY AVENUE AND IM~ the development. <br />MEDIATELY EASTERLY OF THE 4. That adequate visual and ac- <br />RESIDENCES ALONG KOLLN coustical screening shall be provid~ <br />STREET (PUO-80-1). ed for the trash and loading areas <br />WHEREAS. the City Councl of for all buildings on Lpis 8 through <br />the City of Pleasanton on January 13. 2l through 25 and 41, and <br />1980, adopted Ordinance No. <br />22 screening measures shall be con- <br />, <br />923whichrezonedanapproximatc sidered during design review of <br />ly 69~acre parcel of land located on these structures. <br />the south side of Valley Avenue and 5. Thal there shall be some type <br />immediately easterly of the rest- of unimpeded vehicular access be~ <br />deuces along Kolln Street fmm the tween E Court and the northwestern <br />I~P (Public and lnstitutionaO District portion ofDCircle, said access to be <br />to Me PUD-Industrial (Planned Unit wide enough to accommotlate <br />Development -Industrial) District; emergency vehicles. <br />That (here be access to the <br />6 <br />and <br />WHEREAS. the applicant. pur . <br />sublect site for public salety vehi- <br />" <br />suant to rezomnE established by <br />Ordinance No. 923, has prepared a cles via "Gry Street <br />a[ all times. <br />7. That parking requirements <br />development plan; and shall be determined on a case by <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Corm case basis at the time of design re~ <br />mission, at its February 13. 1930. view. <br />meeting considered and approved 8. That permuted and condition- <br />case PUD-80-1, fhe apPllcation of ally allowed uses on the subject <br />Property shall be as follows: <br />John and Joan Caroline for approv~ Light Industrial Uses <br />al of a development plan for a busi~ activities <br />A <br />All industrial uses <br />ness park to be located on the _ <br />, <br />and professes allowed in Section <br />69acre parcel desc abed above; 20 (1) (permitted uses <br />I-P Dis~ <br />2.7 <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Com- . <br />, <br />lrict). Article 9, Chapter 2, Title II of <br />mission at the meeting of February the Ordinance Code of the City of <br />1980, took public testimony <br />13 Pleasanton. <br />, <br />and reviewed all reports and exhib~ B. Industrial support and serums <br />its regarding this application, and facilities to include activities limited <br />to the servicing of businesses in the <br />thereafter adopted Resolution No. C & S Business Park or servinng of <br />1848, recommending approval of products produced on the site, such <br />the development plan; <br />THEREFORE THE CITY <br />NOW as'. repair and maintenance of ap- <br />. <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PLEAS pliances or component parts; toob <br />ANTON DOES ORDAIN AS FOL. mg: printers; testing shops: small <br />LOWS' machine shops; etc. <br />Section 1. The development plan C. Accessory uses and structures <br />as shown in PU D~80~1 for a busy when related to and incidental to a <br />ness park to lx located on a ti9 acre Permuted use. <br />D. The following conditionally al- <br />site on the south side of Valley Av~ lowed uses <br />enue and immediately easterly of . <br />1. Warehousing (not including <br />the residences along Kolln Street is the storage of radioactive materials <br />hereby approved subject to the con <br />drtions attached hereto as Exhibit A~r fuel or flammable liquid). <br />and made a part hereof by refer 2. Industries engaged in con- <br />ence. Acopy of the development struction and building trades. <br />Accessory structures and uses <br />3 <br />plan map and conditions are avalla. <br />Dle for inspection at the office of the . <br />located pn the same site as a condi- <br />Planning Department of the City of tional use <br />Pleasanton Neighborhood and <br />. <br />Section'2. This ordinance shall Support Commercial Uses <br />become eftec6ve thirty (30) days A. Coffee shop, restaurant, deli <br />aher the date of its final passage catessen, cafe. <br />and adopuoa B. Diaper supply service. <br />Section 3. This ordinance shall be GLaundry plants. <br />published once within fifteen (15) D. Wholesale dry cleaner. <br />days after its adoption in "THE E. Branch bank and/or savings <br />TIMES" a newspaper of general ar. and loan. <br />culation, published in the City of GP <br />Pleasanton. shop <br />~ <br />INTRODUCED at a regular meet- <br />ing of the City Council of the City of <br />Pleasanton on February 26. 1980. <br />ADOPTED at a regular meeting of <br />the City Council of the City of Ple~ <br />orison on March 11, 1980. b' <br />following vote: <br />AYES: Councilmembr' <br />Kephart. Mercer. Wooer <br />Brandes. <br />NOES: None. <br />ABSENT: No <br />ATTEST: <br />~ <br />F <br />a <br />aom <br />Dorisry ~ ~ <br />AP, m m,. <br />r- n~~ <br /> <br />F, Research service olfices, ana~ <br />lytical and scientifiq not involving <br />the manufacture. fabrication, proc- <br />essing or sale of products on the <br />premises. <br />9. No materials, supplies or <br />equipment. excludinC, company <br />owned or operated trucks and mo~ <br />for vehicles, shall be stored in any <br />area on a site except inside or be~ <br />hind a solid visual barrier which <br />screens such areas from adjoining <br />properties or public streets. which <br />barrier shall be at least 6 ft. in <br />height. <br />10- That prior to filing a final <br />map on the sublect property. <br />CC6RS shall be approved by the City <br />Attorney. The CC&Rs shall provide <br />fora property owners association <br />wdh sufficient power to manage all <br />commonly owned areas. The City <br />shall be named as beneficiary of <br />said CC&Rs and shall be granted <br />the power to enforce its provisions it <br />the property owners association <br />fails to do so. <br />1 L That all street paving. curbs <br />and gutters shown on the develop- <br />ment plan shall he constructed <br />poor to or in conjunction with com <br />struction of the first building on the <br />sublect property. <br />12. That the developer be aware <br />that this protect will be sublect to <br />additional requirements under the <br />Fire Code. The Fire Marshal shoultl <br />be contacted for further informa- <br />tion. <br />13. That the street number of all <br />buildings be posted so as to be easi- <br />ly seen from the street at all times, <br />day and night. <br />14. That all ducts. meters, air <br />conditioning equipment, and any <br />other mechanical equipment, <br />whether on the structure, on the <br />ground. or elsewhere, be effectively <br />screened from view with materials <br />architecturally compatible with the <br />main structure. <br />15. That all mechanical equip <br />merit be constructed in such a marv <br />ner that noise emanating from ii will <br />not be perceptible at or beyond the <br />property plane of the subject prop- <br />erty in a normal environment for <br />that zoning district. <br />16. That all lighting be wnstruc4 <br />ed in such a manner that glare is <br />directed away from surrounding <br />properties and rights~ot~way. <br />17. That all trash and refuse be <br />contained completely within enclo- <br />sures architecturally compatible <br />with the main structure. <br />18. That all trees used in land- <br />scaping be a minimum of 15 gal- <br />lons in size and all shrubs a miN~ <br />mum of 5 gallons. <br />19. That 6" vertical concrete <br />curbs be installed between all paved <br />mod landscaped areas. <br />27. That the site be kept free of <br />Irte hazards from the start of com <br />struction to Yinal inspection antl <br />that the Fire Department emergen- <br />cy number be provided adjacent to <br />all telephones on the site. <br />28. That the following water com <br />serving plumbing fixtures be im <br />stalled' a) low flush water closets; b) <br />shower /low control heads; c) aera~ <br />tors in interior faucets; and d) insu~ <br />lotion of hot water lines. <br />29. That the developer's contract <br />for obtain an encroachment permit <br />Irom the City prior to the beginning <br />of construcbon. <br />30. Thai the developer pay any <br />and all fees that the property may <br />be subject to. <br />31. That approval of the design <br />for line, grade and structural sec <br />lions for the streets serving this de~ <br />velopment be withheld pending lim <br />al design. <br />32. That the median in Valley <br />Avenue be 16 lees wide curb fo <br />curb. <br />33. That the developer's engi~ <br />riser submit preliminary design cal <br />culations. criteria. and assumptions <br />in bound, 854" z I1" or 854" x 14" <br />format which set forth the basis for <br />design for the sewer, water, and <br />storm drain systems as well as rele~ <br />vans information concerning soils, <br />traffic, etc. <br />34. That approval of the water <br />distribution system be withheld <br />pending final design and subse- <br />quent approval by the City Engb <br />riser. <br />35. That the developer install the <br />20" water line Irom the existing ten <br />urination on Valley Avenue to Kolln <br />Street. <br />36. That approval of the sanitary <br />sewer collection system be withheld <br />pending final design and subse~ <br />quent approval by the City Engi~ <br />riser. <br />37. That the developer design <br />and install the off~site sanitary sew <br />er fine to the Jensen lift station and <br />make whatever revisions may be <br />requiretl to the Jensen staton and <br />the outfall system. These plans <br />shall foe approved by the City Engi~ <br />riser. <br />38. That the sanitary sewer sys~ <br />tem foe designed and sized to ade~ <br />quately serve the drainage area tri- <br />butary to it. ' <br />39. That approval of the storm <br />drainage system be withheld pend~ <br />ing final design and subsequent <br />approval by the City Engineer. <br />40. That the storm drainage sys~ <br />tem be designed and sized to ade~ <br />quately serve the drainage area tri~ <br />butary to it. <br />41. That all applicable require- <br />ments of the Alameda County Flood <br />Control District be met. <br />__ ,. _._ r...a. <br />