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45. That in order to maintain existing levels of fire <br />service per general plan policies, the developer <br />shall enter into an agreement to fund or participate <br />in the funding of the study of fire service require- <br />ments necessitated by the subject project and other <br />proposed major commercial/industrial projects; that <br />the project shall be constructed in such a way as to <br />minimize the fire hazards; and that the developer <br />shall agree to participate in the financing of the <br />necessary fire apparatus and manpower required to <br />serve this project as well as other mutual projects <br />while maintaining existing city-wide levels of fire <br />service. The level of any participation in the latter <br />shall take into consideration the project's contri- <br />bution towards city services generally, including <br />fire services. The agreement shall be entered into <br />prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />46. That the colors and type of exterior wood siding for <br />building F shall be submitted to the Planning Division <br />for approval prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />