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The realigned Johnson Drive between the Johnson/Hopyard inter- <br />-- section and the proposed driveway west of Denny's and FIUngry Hunter <br />would be funded in conjunction with the Hopyard Road improvements <br />now taking place. That portion of the realigned Johnson Drive <br />between that driveway and Bannister Drive would be paid £or by <br />Reynolds and Brown as would the remaining interior stxeets of the <br />Reynolds and Brown development. The location of Bannister Drive <br />and Owens Court would not. be changed from the locations shown on <br />the originally submitted PUD.. <br />Other changes i.nst.tuted b,~ the Cizy C+,7inci~. ur. i.Y.i i ~ ... .. -; ,-rf <br />3/11/82, hac; rc, do with t:he fi.n~al approval of ti~Ye buii~~5-n g:, p:¢'opcsed <br />to be constructed i.n ptzase wo of the business park. 's`Gnir ~ontnission <br />had recommended that each individual building l:e subject is design <br />approval by the Design Review Board. The Council changed that. to <br />require approval not on 1.y of. building design, bi;t let c;cn.' <br />and individual site use by the City Council after revie:.~ and recom- <br />mendation by the full Planning Commission. Attached hereto i_s a <br />letter to Tom Terrell of Reynolds and Brown explaining all cf the <br />Council changes. <br />Another aspect of the PUD whictz may change as a r:¢~sLi'. ^f tl~e Council <br />action and redesign of Johnson Drive is the inclusion f .~:ommercial <br />uses within the project. Originally, commercial. uses `lad been fore- <br />seen in the northwest sector of the property. when Rednc'lds and <br />Brown submitted their plan for the second phase, they ix.+dic,at:ed <br />_, that they were no longer proposing commercial,. in this area, but <br />would wish to devote the area to office uses instead. D'e~~~ as <br />a result of the redesign, they feel that that porno::, of t:hr <br />property between Bannister Drive and the realigned Johnsen Drive <br />(northeast sector of the property) may be a good location far <br />commercial uses. They have made no firm decisions or. t:ais matter <br />yet, but the rewording of condition number 1 (as shown in ~`}~: <br />attached May 20th letter to Tom Terrell) provides for ghat ce:n~ <br />tingency in that it says that any land use estahl.isher i. cas,n <br />PUD-80-14 (the PUD for the first phase of the devel.opm<aaa) may <br />be located anywhere within the project so long as approval i,s <br />granted by the City Council. <br />A minor modification to the plan which has recently bFS:=n prapnsed <br />by Reynolds and Brown is to extend Owens Court eastern= `=::Bannister <br />Drive thereby forming a loop street. This design is preteraki±.e to <br />the fire and police departments in that it allows them better access <br />than does a cul-•de-:>ac. <br />A mitigated negative declaration accompanies ~.°~~o.r:. ).3a;ed <br />on the Initial Environmental Study 3one for. this pr:aje>;,t., ''t ~s <br />the staff's opinion that case PUD-f52.-12 would ha~re,: <br />adverse effects on the environment but 'that certain: rr~c >-~:.,~a'r+e3 <br />conditions of approval would reduce those impacts to an i.n;.i.gni_- <br />ficant level. If your Commission concurs with this r*r,a.'~rc nmc;ztaa <br />.-3._ <br />