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70. That the turn-arounds mentioned in #69 shall not be <br />obstructed in any manner including parking of vehicles <br />-~ <br />71. Sites 5 through 9 shall be assessed under a joint mainte- <br />nance agreement with the Twelve Oaks Homeowners Association <br />for the maintenance of Twelve Oaks Drive. <br />72. The Deer Oaks Homeowners Association will be responsible <br />for maintenance of the emergency access road in an <br />unobstructed and weedfree condition. <br />73. That if"approved, the emergency access road, and the <br />ravine storm water collection and discharge system may <br />be realigned with the approval of City staff in order <br />to either: <br />a. better protect existing trees or vegetation; <br />b. provide a safer or more maintenance-free design; <br />or <br />c. reduce necessary cuts or fills. <br />74. That the grading for both streets, the 16 ft. driveway <br />and the emergency access road shall be substantially as <br />shown on the Grading Plan, Exhibit B on file with the <br />Planning Division. A minimum amount of on-site grading <br />shall"take place, with lots remaining essentially in a <br />natural condition. Plans for all on-site grading shall <br />be submitted to the City for approval at the earliest <br />time possible in the development process. No on-site <br />or off-site grading shall take place without prior City <br />approval. <br />Section 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately <br />upon its passage and adoption. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Planning Commission of the City of Pleasanton <br />on the 27th day of May, 1981 by the following vote: <br />AYES: <br />NOES: <br />ABSENT: <br />ABSTAIN: <br />DATE <br />ATTEST: <br />Commissioners Doherty, Getty, Jamieson and Lindsey <br />None <br />None <br />Chairperson Wilson <br />May 27, 1981 <br />Robert J. Harris, Secretary <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />C__.~ <br />Hervey E. L ine, City Attorney <br />beWi i s Chairperson <br />-10- <br />