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40. That storm drainage swales, gutters, inlets, outfalls and <br />channels not within the area of a dedicated public street <br />or public service easement approved by the City Engineer be <br />privately maintained by the property owners or through an <br />association approved by the City. <br />41. That this development provide a safe and effective circulation <br />system for bicycles and pedestrians. These facilities <br />shall be designed and installed to the satisfaction of the <br />City Engineer and shall be separated from vehicular traffic <br />whenever possible. <br />42. That the developer install street frontage improvements to <br />the satisfaction of the City Engineer. These improvements <br />may include, but are not necessarily limited to, grading, <br />curb and gutter, sidewalk, paving, storm drain, sanitary <br />sewer, water facilities, street lighting, underground <br />utilities, traffic control devices, landscaping, and <br />automatic irrigation systems. <br />43. That the paving sections £or the private parking and <br />drive areas be designed on the basis of an R-Value test and a <br />traffic index to carry the anticipated traffic loads. This <br />design shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. <br />The minimum paving section shall be 2" A.C. on 6" of A.B. <br />The minimum A.C. pavement slope shall be 1~. For pavement <br />slopes of less than 1~ the surface runoff shall be carried <br />in a concrete gutter to an acceptable point of discharge. <br />The minimum slope for concrete gutter shall be 0.5g. <br />44. 'That the developer enter into an agreement to pay for a proportionate <br />share of the water facilities necessary to properly service <br />the southeast Pleasanton area and the Vintage Hills area. <br />These facilities shall be those as generally described in the <br />report "Water Demand and Preliminary Facilities Necessary to <br />Create a Loop Water System for the southeast Pleasanton and <br />Vintage Hills areas." All water fees necessary for this purpose <br />shall be proportionately paid prior to approval of each of <br />the final subdivision maps for the subject area. <br />45. That approval for the line, grade, width and structural <br />sections of all streets and drives within this development <br />be withheld pending final design. <br />46. That all street and underground improvements, both public <br />and private, shall be guaranteed by contracts and bonds. <br />