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PC 121306
City of Pleasanton
PC 121306
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PC 121306
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addition to the azea and would alleviate crosstown traffic to the other Home Depot store or to <br />Livermore. <br />Bob King, 871 Old Oak Road, Livermore, noted that he has had a business at Stanley Business Park <br />for 22 years. He supported this project and believed it would be the best fit for the neighborhood. <br />He believed this project would impact the least amount of people possible and that it would fit in <br />with the working businesses in the area. He did not believe the Valley Avenue turn would be <br />solved by any business. <br />Nancy Allen, 1509 Oxsen Street, representing Stop Pleasanton Gridlock, spoke in opposition to this <br />project. Her group did not support a Home Depot-type of development in the middle of residential <br />neighborhoods and believed it would be better located neaz the freeway or a business pazk rather <br />than attracting crosstown traffic. The three major issues were crosstown traffic, weekend traffic, <br />and the addition of a development in this azea without a full, Citywide traffic plan as part of the <br />General Plan. She noted that she had conducted an informal weekend traffic count neaz the other <br />Home Depot and believed it would double the traffic and noise. She was concemed that Saturday <br />mornings and evenings would be disrupted by such an increase of traffic and noise and would like <br />more data in order to make an informed vote. She was very concerned about the impact on <br />residents' quality of life. She questioned whether this application could be approved without a <br />mitigation plan as part of a Council approval. She requested a contingency to require the new <br />Home Depot to pay the City if the Johnson Drive Home Depot were to be closed and left vacant. <br />Andy Steen, 663 Concord Place, spoke in support of this project and believed the area needed this <br />service and the surrounding facilities. He believed the design team did a good job in not making it <br />appear to be a big-box store. He added that the sales tax revenue would be a benefit to the City. <br />Gazland Draper, 4031 Schween Court, spoke in opposition to this project. She was concerned that <br />the traffic on Valley Avenue would be further worsened. She objected to the additional noise in <br />a quiet residential neighborhood and did not believe it had been sufficiently addressed. She <br />would like to see along-term infrastructure plan to solve the already severe traffic situations in <br />the Valley Avenue/Bemal Avenue/Stanley Boulevazd azeas. She believed the traffic report <br />associated with Home Depot was flawed and did not include data from the Shadow Cliffs <br />buildout and the waterslide. She noted that it also did not include the possible closure of the <br />Johnson Drive Home Depot and would like these traffic issues to be addressed by the City <br />Council before this project is addressed. She would also like the Stoneridge Drive extension to <br />be completed before this project were to be considered. She noted that her neighbor, Hank <br />Jones, requested that she read his email since he could not attend: <br />"I would like to communicate my thoughts regazding the Home Depot you are proposing <br />to place on the corner of Valley and Stanley. I would love to have a Home Depot so <br />close to my residence, but the traffic situation is really bad already. Unless traffic was <br />reduced on Santa Rita and Valley Avenues, there would be no way that I would support <br />this development. <br />"Let me explain. In the morning I take my son to Harvest Pazk Middle School. He <br />would no longer ride his bike because he was hit last yeaz, and he's scazed, and I know <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 13, 2006 Page 11 of 26 <br />
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