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,~-~ He then referred the Planning Commission to the Happy Valley Specific Plan Matrix #5. <br />He noted that the Planning Commission should recommend denial of the project to the <br />City Council. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Ms. Decker wished to clarify that this PUD and the density have already been established <br />by the approval of PUD-99-07. During this heazing, the Commission is to consider a <br />change in the design guidelines from production to custom homes and in the design <br />review process. She noted that Mr. Babbitt stated that due to geotechnical issues, there <br />was already a 30-foot setback from top of bank. She advised that Planning setbacks are <br />required and were set from the property line; they did not consider top of bank or the <br />geotechnical building setbacks required. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS RE-OPENED. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Olson regazding whether the CC&R's would <br />be structured to promote the green building approach, Mr. Babbitt replied that the <br />CC&R's were already reviewed, approved, and recorded with the Final Map. He <br />believed the design guidelines were addressed in the CC&R's, but he did not believe that <br />green building was addressed in that text. He advised that each builder must submit the <br />plans to him first before they may be submitted to the Planning Department for design <br />review approval. <br />In response to Commissioner Blank's previous question about fire sprinklers, Mr. Babbitt <br />believed they were a condition of approval in either the Tentative Map or the PUD <br />because the development was outside the five-minute response time radius. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Regazding the concern about the squaze footage of the homes, Commissioner Olson <br />believed that if a lot of green building points were accumulated, it would mitigate the <br />larger square footage of a home in terms of energy consumption and construction <br />materials. <br />Commissioner Blank noted that while he did not believe people would build to the full <br />FAR calculations shown on the maps, the first house before the Commission was <br />24 percent of the maximum 25 percent FAR allowed. He expressed concern about <br />deviating from the setbacks. <br />Commissioner Pearce would prefer to leave the setbacks at 35 feet and review them on a <br />case-by-case basis. She believed that building to green standazds included not building to <br />the biggest possible square footage. She would like to see some kind of squaze footage <br />limitation more restrictive than the FAR; she proposed that 10,000 square feet might be <br />considered an appropriate limit. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES October 18, 2006 Page 7 of 22 <br />