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Lou Basil, Sainte Claire Custom Homes, 2021 The Alameda, Suite 275, San Jose, <br />explained the request presented by Mr. Reznick's request to allow the expansion of the <br />Designated Development Areas for Lots 1 and 3. He stated that the lots are limited in <br />area and this additional space would give future owners an option, for example, to put in <br />a garage. He noted that the neighboring house is approximately 300 feet away. The <br />additional five feet would not affect the line of sight and would not create any more <br />impacts to the slopes or the forest. He added that Lot 1 already has an existing three-foot <br />vertical cut that is used as afire-break. <br />In response to Commissioner O'Connor's inquiry on whether this would require cutting <br />the pad further, Mr. Basile replied that some grading would have to be done. He added <br />that no grading for any building would be done outside the Designated Development <br />Area except for landscaping, which would be minor, or to create a fire protection azea. <br />Commissioner Blank expressed concern regarding waiving the condition because he <br />would not want to confine the future owners to building a gazage in the additional space, <br />especially since no specific house design has been approved for the site. Mr. Basile <br />replied that the gazage was just one option; the intent is to give the future owners the <br />additional building azea and the freedom to use it in whatever way they may desire. <br />Commissioner Fox indicated that she did not have a problem with granting the additional <br />space. <br />~ Mary Roberts, 1666 Frog Hill Lane, noted that page 23 of the Vineyard Avenue Corridor <br />Specific Plan indicates that design guidelines aze there to assist developers in the <br />prepazation of their plans and are intended to be flexible so they do not need to be applied <br />in cases where the City determines that that the implementation of a superior design <br />solution can be achieved. She stated that flexibility did not mean the ability to move lots <br />from the top of the property to the bottom or relocating the EVA. She added that <br />allowing building to occur only within the designated development azea is superior <br />mitigation, whether the houses be one story or two stories, 25 feet or 27 feet high. She <br />encouraged the Commission to make the superior fmdings for the project. <br />With respect to the modification of Condition No. 9 regarding the relocation of the EVA <br />along the Roberts property and connecting to their driveway, Ms. Roberts noted that <br />while this is not in any Tentative Map or any other existing map, it makes sense to put the <br />EVA there. She indicated that she would like to see the exact location of the EVA and <br />the utility easement on the Tentative Map and have the right to approve their location. <br />She requested that language be added giving the Roberts the right to approve the location <br />that would be dependent upon any tree removal and relocation of water and power lines. <br />She added that they are working with Mr. Remick with respect to a lot line adjustment <br />that would need to be done at Final Map and that should any real problems arise, they <br />would work it out at that point. <br />Ms. Roberts then informed the Commission that the property next to the proposed Neal <br />~-. Elementary School is owned by the Lin family. She stated that the property has a PUD <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, May 24, 2006 Page 15 of 34 <br />