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~., Craig Miers, project azchitect, stated that the applicant agreed with the two additional <br />conditions. He requested that Conditions No. 13 be modified, noting that the original <br />condition required the installation of conduits rather than the actual installation of <br />electrical charging equipment for electrical vehicles. <br />Commissioner Maas believed that condition was outdated. <br />Ms. Decker advised that she discussed this condition with the applicant eazlier in the day. <br />She indicated that the language referred to state-of--the-art servicing, where electrical <br />vehicles were state-of--the-art at that time, without requiring the purchase of equipment at <br />this time. She suggested a change in language to allow more flexibility, such as <br />"state-of--the-art servicing for hybrid vehicles." <br />Mr. Miers further noted, with respect to Condition No. 37, that the industry standazd for <br />construction hours for this area will typically start at 7:00 a.m. He stated that James <br />Paxson of the Hacienda Owner Association did not have any objection to an eazlier start <br />time. <br />Ms. Decker stated that the Planning Director may allow an eazlier start time for specific <br />construction projects. <br />James Paxson, Hacienda Business Pazk Owners Association, 4473 Willow Road, <br />Suite 105, noted the location of Cazden West in relation to the Hacienda Child <br />~ Development Center. He noted that there was a fair amount of activity in the pazk eazly <br />in the morning and did not believe the construction activity would have a significant <br />impact. The Sheraton was set fairly far away from the construction site. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Maas moved to approve Case PCUP-149, subject to the conditions of <br />approval as listed on Exhibit B of the staff report, as recommended by staff, with a <br />modification to Condition No. 13 to accommodate state-of--the-art alternative <br />vehicles rather than electrical vehicles and the addition of the sentence "The <br />landscape plan shall be revised, if necessary, to provide consistency with the <br />Hacienda Business Park landscape guidelines" to Condition No. 30. <br />Chairperson Arkin seconded the motion. <br />Chairperson Arkin believed that the installation of conduit for electric vehicles has <br />become outdated and suggested that it be deleted completely. He noted that hybrid <br />vehicles did not need anything. <br />Commissioner Blank proposed an amendment to delete Condition No. 13. <br />The proposed amendment was accepted by Commissioners Maas and Chairperson <br />Arkin. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page 9 of 19 <br />