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~., Staff believed this infill use in ahigh-density zone was appropriate for this site and <br />believed the project was attractively designed and would be compatible with the <br />neighborhood. Staff recommended that the Commission find that the project will not <br />have a significant affect on the environment, that the Negative Declaration is the <br />appropriate document as shown in Exhibit C, that the project has a de minimus impact, <br />and that the proposed PUD development plan is consistent with the General Plan and <br />purposes of the PUD ordinance; make the PUD findings 1 through 7 identified in the staff <br />report; and adopt a resolution recommending approval of PUD-49 to the City Council for <br />a rezoning of 2.76 acres from RM-4,000 to PUD-HDR and for development plan <br />approval fora 45-unit residential condominium development and a common azea located <br />on one pazcel. <br />Ms. Decker stated that Condition No. 34.a. required conduit and cabling for photovoltaic <br />readiness. She stated that there are difference kinds of cabling that could be used and <br />added that pull strings should be provided. The applicant had requested that it be limited <br />to electric conduit, not knowing what kind of panel would be desired or what kind of <br />cabling would be appropriate for that panel. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regarding CC&Rs and the use of gazages <br />for cars rather than storage space, Ms. Decker replied that the homeowners association <br />would be the enforcement mechanism rather than the City. <br />Mr. Roush stated that the City had the ability but not the obligation to enforce certain <br />(" provisions of the CC&Rs. He envisioned that the homeowners association would have <br />' that enforcement mechanism, but the City would have the sepazate authority under the <br />CC&Rs to enforce that. <br />A discussion of enforcement options ensued. Mr. Roush advised that permit pazking <br />could be used if pazking became an issue. . <br />Ms. Decker noted that with respect to Condition No. 14, the applicant requested that the <br />Department of Real Estate report be required at the time a certificate of occupancy is <br />granted rather than before the building and grading permit is issued. Staff did not have <br />an issue with this request. <br />Commissioner Blank noted that he would rather have the trees replaced and some fees if <br />possible. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Peazce regazding whether there was more <br />than one comment regazding the tot lot, Ms. Decker confirmed that was the only <br />comment. <br />In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Fox regazding the purchase of the lots, <br />Mr. Roush confirmed that if the Commission so desired, a condition could be included <br />that Pleasanton residents or some subset thereof would have the first opportunity to <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 25, 2006 Page I 1 of 19 <br />