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.. _ . ~. -~ <br />M I N U T E S <br />PIANNING COMMISSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />Pleasanton Justice Court <br />30 Weat Angela Street <br />April 23, 1969 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Coa®isaion was called to order at S:OS PM <br />by Chairman Plato. <br />1. ROLL CALL. <br />PRESENT Co®issioner Antonini <br />Commissioner Arnold <br />Coa®issioner Carrigan <br />Commissioner Gibbs <br />Chairman Plato <br />Secretary Castro <br />ABSENT None <br />2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Arnold, seconded by Co®issioner Antonini, and carried, <br />the minutes of the meeting of April 9, 1969, were approved as submitted. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS. <br />a. PUD-69-2. Amador Valley Investors <br />Application to amend the existing PUD for a portion of Parcels 2-6 and 6-2, Assessor's <br />Map Book 946, Block 1101, said properties containing approximately 11.0 scree (Public <br />Hearing continued from March 26, 1969). <br />A N D <br />9b.Tentative Tract Mao #3120 <br />Application by Mac&ay & Sompa for Amador Valley Investors for approval of said <br />tentative tract map. <br />The Planning Commission reviewed both these items simultaneously as they are tied <br />in with each other. <br />Chairman Plato opened the Public Hearing. Planning Director Castro clarified that <br />this application is essentially an amendment to an existing PUD. Mr. Castro also <br />demonstrated the tentative map as revised by the Federal Housing Administration <br />for informational purposes. There was same further explanation regarding the <br />graating of blanket variances for lot definitions and lane widths as defined. <br />Regarding the park dedication, while the PUD does allow blanket variances for the <br />common green areas, the City Attorney felt it be made known to the Commission that <br />the land had to be made up in park space. <br />Mr. George Oakes was present and explained his point of view. He further stated <br />that the Codes, Covenants and Restrictions had been approved by the FHA. He also <br />explained again the setup regarding covered spaces for trailers and boats and the <br />circulation for the traffic. The homes will range from 1900-2300 sq.ft. in size. <br />- 1 - <br />