Vice-Chairman Lozano than opened the public hearing on the application of Mr.
<br />Clarence Dutra, Route 1, Box 161, Pleasanton, for a Variance from Section 6,5,
<br />Oxd. No. 309, reducing the required lot area, in order to construct a ~ingle-
<br />family dwelling on a lot adjacent to the northeast corner of Whiting and Abbie
<br />Streets, in an R-1 District, Mr. Dutra was present in the audience. Mr. Falea
<br />stated the lot in question ie 56' x 100', and was not an existing lot at the time
<br />the Zoning Ordinance was adopted, Mr. Dutra purchased the lo¢ in 1962. There
<br />being no comments from the audience, Vice-Chairman Lozano declared the public
<br />hearing closed. Mr4 Falea was then called upon for the staff Yeport, and stated
<br />a 900 square foot Variance ie required from a ~i.niamm of 6,500 eq. ft, for a
<br />reaidentiel lot. Ia Harris Acres all lots ass considerably below the minimum
<br />of 6,500 square feet because the subdivision took place before Che Zoning Ordin-
<br />ance was adopted. The lots adjacent to Mr. Dutra'e lot are 400 eq. ft. smaller
<br />than the subject lot, The lot cannot be used for any other purpose except to
<br />construct a single-family dwelling, The staff recommends the Variance be granted
<br />with the condition attached that sidewalk, curb and gutter be installed at the
<br />time the dwelling is constructed, After discussion by the Commission, upon motion
<br />of Commissioner Wipfli, aecoaded by Commissioner Antonini, the following re~o-
<br />lution was uoaaimously adopted by those Commissioners present:
<br />RESOLUTION N0. 210
<br />WHEREAS, application made by Mr. Clarence Dutra, Route 1, Sox 161,
<br />Pleasanton, for a Variance from Section 6,5, Ord, No. 309,
<br />reducing the required lot area, in order to conaCruct a single-family
<br />dwelling on a lot adjacent to the northeast corner of Whiting and Abbie
<br />Streets, in an R-1 DieCrict, has come before this Commission;
<br />1. The Variance is hereby granted subject to the following
<br />condition;
<br />e. Sidewalk, curb and gutter shall be installed on the
<br />frontage of said property at the tip the subject dwelling
<br />is constructed, and shall be to the satisfaction of the
<br />City Engineer,
<br />Under Matters for the Information of the Commission, Mr. Fales distributed to
<br />the Commieaioneta copies of a letter from Livingston and Blayney, Planning
<br />Consultants, and a Description of Planning Program which Mx. Livingston has made
<br />for the City to estimate the amount of work and time the City staff will be able
<br />to provide, For every dollar of she survey that the City can provide, the
<br />Consultant's fee is reduced. The total coat will be $39,500,00 if the City does
<br />not participate at all except to provide the 1/3 contribution, The City staff
<br />is now endeavoring to find out from the County Planning Department if they will
<br />be able to participate in the planning of the unincorporated areas, Mr. Falea
<br />asked that any suggestions ox questions the Commieaionere might have be turned
<br />over to him by Friday, April 12,
<br />There being no further business to coma before the Commission, upon cation of
<br />Commissioner Wipfli, aecoaded by Vice-Chairman Lozano, the meeting was adjourned
<br />at 8:30 P,M„ to meet again on Thursday, April 18, 1963, at 8:00 P.M,
<br />