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utilities in multiple reeidential and commercial dietricte, in a manner similar <br />to the existing requirement for Industrial Park Districts. Mr, Dwight Galloway, <br />representing P.G.@ E., was present in the audience and participated in the dis- <br />cuseion that ensued, The Commission was in agreement that a new section be added <br />to Articles- 8-14, inclusive, of Ordinance No. 309, indicating that utilities shall <br />be placed underground in multiple reeidential and commercial dietricte. In such <br />cases the land owner and the public utility involved shall agree ae to installation <br />costa, without expense to the City. Whereupon, it was moved by Commissioner Lozano, <br />seconded by Commissioner Wipfli, and carried, that a public hearing on the matter <br />be set for 8:00 P.M., Wednesday, February 26, 1964. <br />Under Matters for the Information of the Commission, Mr. Campbell apprised the Com- <br />miaeion that Mr. Harvey Dickinson, Jr., of Sycamore Road, was present in the <br />audience at the recommendation of Mr. Fales to discuss with the Cosmiaeion relocation <br />of hie home occupation: a radio-TV service business. Mr. Dickinson explained he did <br />not operate a retail store and has very little fooC traffic--it is a service buai- <br />nesa. However, a radio tower structure must be accessible to the premises, and he <br />ie wondering if he could locate in a residential district if he should find a <br />location suitable for hie business and hie family. Mr. Campbell read from Section <br />17,604, Ord. No. 309, which would be applicable, and stated the Commission moat <br />decide if the subject buainesa is a home occupation.. Chairman Landon suggested Mr. <br />Dickinson consider getting together with two or three other individuals desiring to <br />eatablieh home occupations, and possibly they could work out an arrangement whereby <br />they might be able to have their residences in connection with their occupations. <br />Mr, Campbell said the staff has been approached by someone who wish°s to eatablieh <br />a small machine shop, and he would be happy to put Mr. Dickinson in touch with this <br />person. The Commission was unfavorably disposed toward the establishment of home <br />occupations in reeidential areas. <br />Mr. Campbell presented to the Commission a request for a study session by Hilton <br />Homes for discussion of annexation of the Dutra property on Sunol Road for aingle- <br />family residential development. It was moved by Commissioner Antonini, seconded <br />by Commissioner Lozano, and carried, that it is the intent of the Commission to <br />recommend I-P (Industrial Park) zoning for the subject property. It was the con- <br />sensus of the Commission that if representatives of Hilton Homes wish to discuss <br />the matter of zoning the property as I-P only, the Commission would be happy to <br />set a study session for Wednesday, January 15, 1964. <br />City Attorney Struthers reported no progress on the Goe and Shaughnessy matters, <br />There being no further buainesa to come before the Commission, upon motion of <br />Chairmen Landon, seconded by Commissioner Lozano, the meeting was adjourned at <br />9:54 P.M., to meat again on Wednesday, January 22, 1964, at 8:00 P.M. <br />