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MIL'OTES <br />of <br />THE MEETING <br />of <br />THE PLA2]NING COM@1I^uSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />May 27, 1964 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Cocmtiieaion was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M., on Wednesday, May 27, 1964, by Chairmen Philip Landon. <br />ROLL CALL showed the following: <br />Present: Commissioners Antonini <br />Johnston <br />Lozano <br />Rego <br />Chairman Landon <br />Secretary Fales <br />On motion of Commissioner Lozano, seconded by Commissioner Antonini, the minutes <br />of the meeting of May 13, 1964, were approved as presented by unanimous vote. <br />Chairman Landon opened the public hearing on the application of Norris E. Ler_aom, <br />Castlewood Country Club, fora Variance from Section 16,300, Ord, No. 309, in order <br />to allow re-use of a non-conforming single family dwelling at 333 Main Street, in <br />a C-C District, after vacancy fora period of six months. Mr. Letsom was present <br />in the audience and stated he has a desirable tenant who wishes to rent the dwell- <br />ing. Mr. Letsom said he feels it is better to have someone living there to keep <br />up the property until such time as some commercial use is developed, There being <br />no further comments from the audience, it was moved by Commissioner Antonini, <br />seconded by Commissioner Lozano, and carried, that the public hearing be closed. <br />Mr. Falea, in giving the staff report, referred to Sections 16.300 and 19.1000 of <br />Ord. No. 309 ae pertinent in this matter. The building appears to be in fairly <br />good condition; however, the electrical service should be checked by a competent <br />electrician to detxmine what changes, if any, would be required to meet present day <br />needs. It seems certain that the subject area will never revert to a residential <br />zoning district; however, there is no present demand for commercial property. It <br />ie possible that the continued use of this property as residential is reasonable. <br />However, once this use is again permitted it will be difficult to cause it to be <br />discontinued, in keeping with the purpose of the provisions of the Zoning Ordin- <br />ance to gradually force the clearance of non-conforming uses from a District so <br />that it will convert to the proper planned zoning uses. If the Commission feels <br />that continued use of the subject property as residential will not hinder the <br />development of the Central Business District, the staff would recommend a specific <br />time limit. Mr. Letsom stated he had obtained an estimate for the necessary <br />electrical work as approximately $300. After discussion by the Commission, staff <br />and City Attorney, upon motion of Commissioner Antonini, seconded by Commissioner <br />Rego, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />RESOLUTION PIO. 308 <br />WHEREAS, the application of Norris E, Letsom, Castlewood Country Club, <br />for a Variance from Section 16.300, Ord. No. 309, in order to <br />allow re-use of a non-conforming single fa:atly dwelling at 333 Alain Street, <br />in a C-C District, after vacancy fora period of six months, has come <br />before thin Commission; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: <br />1. The above-named Variance is hereby granted subject to the <br />following conditions: <br />a. The Variance shall be for a period not exceeding two <br />years duration. <br />b. At the end of two years the property shall cease to be <br />used for residential purposes, and the owner shall be <br />responsible for removing any residential tenant. <br />c. The subject property shall be maintained in a present- <br />able condition. <br />