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M I N U T E S <br />of <br />THE MEETING <br />of <br />THE PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Pleasanton, California <br />May 12, 1965 <br />The regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Coamiaeion was called to order at <br />8:00 P.M., on Wednesday, May 12, 1965, by Vice-Chairmen Lozano. <br />ROLL CALL showed the followingt <br />Present: Gomml.saionere Antonini <br />Johnston <br />Lozano <br />Raga <br />Absent: Chairman Landon <br />Secretary Falea <br />Director of Public Works Alan Campbell served ae Secretary Pro Tempore <br />for this meeting. <br />On omtion of Comteieaioner Johnston, seconded by Commissioner Antonini, the minutes <br />of the meetings of April 28 and May 5, 1965, were approved ae presented by unanimous <br />mte of those Commissioners present. <br />Vice-Chairman Lozano opened the public hearing on the application of Mra, Cheater <br />Rossi, 9838 MacArthur Blvd., Oakland, for a Variance from the requirements of Ord. <br />No. 309, in order to construct multiple dwelling unite with a reduced site width, <br />rear yard, aide yard and driveway, at 492 St. John Street, in an RG-15 District, <br />which wee continued from April 28, 1965. Mr. Campbell stated that a telephone call <br />was received from Mr, Eric Schnurmacher, Attorney for Mre. Rossi, at which time a <br />continuance to May 26, 1965, was agreed upon, pending the appraisal of the subject <br />property which has been ordered by the City, It was moved by Commissioner Antonini, <br />seconded by Commissioner Johnston, and carried, that the above-described public <br />hearing be continued to the meeting of May 26, 1965, with the consent of the appli- <br />cant. <br />Vice-Chairmen Lozano opened the public hearing on the application of William T. <br />Marsh, 62 Weat Neal St., fora Variance from Article 4, Ord. No. 309, in order to <br />allow a C-0 land use in an A District for a parcel containing approximately 0.75 <br />acres located on the east aide of Sunol Blvd, between Sonoma Drive and Sycamore Road, <br />which waa continued from the meeting of April 28, 1965. Mr. Campbell stated that <br />he had this date received a telephone call from Mr. Lee Amaral, Attorney for Mr. <br />Marsh, requesting that the applicant be allowed to withdraw the subject Variance <br />application and apply the Variance application fee toward a Rezoning Application. <br />It was moved by Commissioner Rega, seconded by Commissioner Antonini, and carried, <br />that the above-described Variance application be withdrawn with the consent of the <br />applicant. <br />Vice-Chairman Lozano opened the public hearing on the application of William F. Webb, <br />Route 1, Box 404, Pleasanton, for a Variance from Section 12.500, Ord. No. 309, in <br />order to conatrur_t a car-wash facility with a reduced aide yard setback, on Lot 10, <br />Vervais Ave „ in a C-T District, which was continued from the meeting of April 28, <br />1965. Mr. Campbell explained that the appllcant recently submitted additional <br />information to the staff regarding a minor subdivision and the Zoning Permit applica- <br />tion; however, the staff has not had an opportunity to study the information. The <br />staff recommends that, with the applicant's consent, this public hearing be contin- <br />ued to the meeting of May 26. Mr. H.W, Johnson, who was present in the audience <br />representing the applicaat, presented a copy of the deed to the subject property, <br />and said he understood that Mr. Webb proposes construction on the remainder of the <br />property suitable to a C-T District. Mr. Johnson stated that he would be leaving <br />the area until May 24. It was moved by Commissioner Antonini, seconded by Commie- <br />.. eioner Johnston, and carried, that the public hearing on the above-described <br />Variance application be continued to the meeting of May 26, 1965, with the consent <br />of the applicant's representative. <br />