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20. That lots 13, 14, 15, 288, 289, 290, 212, 213 and 214 <br />shall be tedesigaed'by the develooar to eliminate u.e cztannu_ <br />lar lots and..reversed~aorner lots. <br />21. That final development plans for the linear park system <br />shall be subject to the recommendations of the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission and approved by the Planning Commission. <br />22. That the location and type of all light fixtures to be <br />installed on the park area and public streets shall be subject <br />to further review and approval by the Planning Commission. <br />23. That the Planning Commission allow a modification of <br />Article 7.04 of Ordinance No. 358 approving three cul-de- <br />sacs, "K", "B", and "F" Courts, not to exceed 320 feet in <br />length with 42 feet right-of-way. <br />24. That the main entry road as shown on the tentative <br />map shall be increased from 72 feet Co 75 feet. <br />9. ALAMEDA COUNTY REFERRAL <br />Sal Enea, V-4370. <br />The Commission considered the request of Sal Enea for a variance to allow <br />the continued use of a 10' x 40' double faced business sign located on the <br />north side of Interstate Route 580, west of the intersection with Interstate <br />Route 680. After discussion, the Commission indicated they would decline to <br />comment on the variance. Mr. Castro indicated he would notify Alameda County <br />of the Commission's decision. <br />12. MATTERS PCR INFORMATICN OF COMMISSION <br />(a) Review of Street Lieht Standards. <br />Mr. Castro presented pictures and a color chart of the proposed electric lamps <br />suggested for Main Street and other parts of the City. Mr. Fales explained <br />the first phase would be approximately three blocks on Main Street, substituting <br />the new lamps and undergtounding utility lines. Upon motion of Commissioner <br />Carrigan, seconded by Chairman Antonini, the following resolution was adopted <br />by unanimous vote: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 764 <br />WHEREAS, the design of the proposed electric lamps for the <br />City of Pleasanton has been reviewed by the Planning <br />Commission, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT <br />RESOLVED: that the Planning Commission recommends to the <br />City Council that the style of electroliers sub- <br />mitted be adopted. <br />14. MATTERS INITIATED BY COMMISSION MEMBERS <br />Mr. Castro presented to the Commission the letter from Alameda County Flood Con- <br />trol concerning the landscaping of Wells ikl and ~~2 located on Santa Rita Road, <br />following his conversation with them. It was noted in the letter that the <br />landscaping would be completed as soon as construction on Well ~k2 was completed. <br />Mr. Castro presented exhibits showing the proposed City Hall Complex. Mr. <br />Fales explained several details concerning the proposed structure. <br />Upon motion of Chairman Antonini, seconded by Commissioner Plat nd carried, <br />the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 P. M., to meet again on We fiesday, Maxc~ 27, <br />1968, at 8:00 P. M. _-~- <br />Secre <br />-5- 3-13-68 <br />