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b. <br />The Commission considered the following staff request for ame <br />to Zoning Ordinance 1520 and passed the following resolution: <br />RESOLUTION N0. 798 <br />To amend Sec. 18.100 by removing the words, <br />"and duplexes." <br />lO.REFERRALS FROM CITY COUNCIL <br />a. Consideration for the acquisition of additional land for property <br />It is the considered opinion of the Planning Department and the Public <br />Works Department that the City cannot justify the use of its power of <br />eminent domain to condemn the McLeod property when it appears that <br />Dr. Long and Mr. McLeod could resolve the situation between themselves, <br />resulting in the greatest benefit for both of them. Public Works <br />Manager, Mr. Campbell, gave his opinion that; (1) development does not <br />have adequate access road and cannot develop; (2) City could use its <br />powers of eminent domain to acquire part of the property; and (3) the <br />parties involved could arrive at some sort of compromise. It is the <br />opinion of the Public Works Department that this decision should be <br />made by the City Council. Opposition was presented by Mr. Lee Amaral, <br />representing Mr. McLeod. <br />A motion was made to refer this item back to the City Council for <br />further clarification. <br />b. Renaming of Capwell Drive/Foxoointe Road <br />This item was brought before the Commission. Mr. Castro recommends that <br />the Foxpointe Road name should remain. Street names are not usually <br />made at time tentative maps are approved. Commissioner Plato recommended <br />that the matter be referred to the Street Naming Committee. However, it <br />only has two members, making it necessary to appoint more members. <br />The matter was continued pending the appointment of one more member to <br />the Street Naming Committee. <br />12. MATTERS FOR INFORMATION OF COMMISSION <br />a. Livermore Planning Department Referral - Junior College Site for <br />Planning Commission <br />Located north of Highway X580 and north of Collins Road. This matter <br />was referred to the City of Pleasanton by Livermore Planning Department <br />with the recommendation that it be reviewed and action taken. Mr. Castro <br />stated that the Planning Department has no objections to the proposals <br />as submitted and recommended that the tentative plan be adopted as <br />submitted subject to those land uses as defined. <br />RESOLUTION N0. 799 <br />WHEREAS, The referral from the Livermore Planning Department <br />regarding the proposed junior college site north <br />of Highway Ik580 has been reviewed by the Planning <br />Commission, <br />WHEREAS, Said board has held a public hearing on this referral, <br />has examined the pertinent maps, drawn acme documents, <br />and finds that the following conditions do exist, <br />1. That the proposed development plane for the junior <br />college site will not be contrary to the spirit and <br />intent of the immediate planning area and that the <br />proposed development is in the public interest and <br />general welfare. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission hereby <br />recommends to the City of Livermore that said land <br />use development plans for the proposed junior <br />college be adopted as submitted. <br />ADDITIONS <br />v~-6~-~ <br />a.~V-68-9; Tract 2948, Sales Pavilion <br />Upon request of Mr. Dudley W. Frost, Vice President of D & V Builders, <br />it was moved by the Commission that this item be heard at the next <br />regular meeting of the Planning Commission on August 14, 1968. <br />