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Commissioner Doherty then asked Mr. Chandler if he had any documents from <br />the City regarding the 1963 annexation. Mr. Chandler said he had with <br />him a copy of the annexation agreement of March 4, 1963 and Exhibit "B" <br />land use. The Commission reviewed these documents. <br />In rebuttal, Bob Grove spoke again, he pointed out that there was an <br />error in the staff report of June 7, 1978 on Page four, relating to <br />traffic. He stated the realities of the traffic situation are very <br />different from what they appear to be on paper. He argued that the <br />Mission Park property owner might sue the City but that the Mission Park <br />area and the resident property owners should be considered first. Mr. <br />Chandler, counsel for the property owner referred to the original copy <br />of the approved Planning Commission plans dated May 2, 1963, for the <br />review of the Commission. He stated that with regard to the homeowners' <br />concern about traffic, perhaps consideration might be given to putting in <br />signals to alleviate the situation. He said they would have no objection <br />to opening up Junipero to Sunol. Mr. Chandler added that no one has <br />implied a lawsuit. He stated that his client is only asking to be dealt <br />with in good faith. He stated that they entered into an agreement a long <br />time ago and feel that if sewage capacity had been available previously, <br />the development would already have been completed. He stated that the <br />City Council and Planning Commission had approved the zoning many years <br />ago and it should remain. <br />The Public Hearing was closed. <br />Mr. Geppert then asked for the staff to clarify their recommendation. <br />Mr. Harris stated there is no strong recommendation for or against rezoning <br />the two RM-1500 parcels. He said that RM-1500 and RM-4000 are both in <br />conformance with the General Plan. He further stated that both RM-1500 <br />parcels are served by appropriate streets and utilities. Therefore, <br />there is no clear distinction as to which zoning district (RM-1500 or <br />RM-4000) is more appropriate from a physical planning standpoint. He <br />stated, however, that downzoning would effect the 75~-25~ residential <br />ratio of the City and that the apartment inventory is not growing. He <br />said that rental units may actually be declining due to condominium <br />conversations and that there is a need for apartments in the City. With <br />regard to the R-1-6500 parcel, Mr. Harris stated that it is probably appro- <br />priate for office uses but that rezoning to the O (Office) District <br />wouldn't be in conformance with the General Plan and therefore, prohibited. <br />He recommended placing the property into the S (Study) District until a <br />General Plan Amendment could be considered next April. <br />Resolution No. 1696 was adopted making the recommendation to the City <br />Council that the Negative Declaration be filed as this project would not <br />have any significant effects on the environment. <br />Roll Call Vote <br />Motion: Geppert <br />Seconded: Getty <br />Ayes: Geppert, Getty and Acting Chairman Doherty <br />Noes: None <br />Abstain: Wilson <br />Absent: Chairman Jamieson <br />-7- <br />