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Commissioner Wilson stated he was abstaining from this public hearing <br />inasmuch as he had previously made an offer on this property and felt <br />it was in the best interest of everyone concerned that he do so. <br />He then left and joined the audience. <br />Mr. Harris explained the staff report. He stated that since Mr. <br />Caroline has already hired Judd Hull he would suggest that condition <br />3, page 9 of the staff report be changed as follows: "That a soils <br />study be prepared which is acceptable to the City and submitted to <br />the City prior to submittal of development plans;" that concerning <br />page 10, item 11, a grading permit has already been issued so this <br />item is moot. <br />Commissioner Doherty then asked if the Fire Department required <br />clearing of the property and Mr. Harris stated, yes, they did. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />John Caroline, 4487 Pleasanton Avenue, Pleasanton, the applicant spoke. <br />He stated that there are no grading plans filed with the City at the <br />current time but that he has a grading permit for permission to move <br />100,000 yards of material. He stated a total grading plan will be <br />submitted. He stated they were required to have a fire lane and it <br />was suggested a criss-cross trail be made through the property so he <br />asked Fire Marshal Ted F:lenk if he could clear the property instead <br />of having this criss-cross trail; and Fire Marshal Klenk stated this <br />would be fine. Mr. Caroline stated that the property also had to <br />be cleared for the work of Judd Hull and Bissell and Karn. He stated <br />that with regard to the last paragraph of the first page of the staff <br />report that Mr. Caroline considers the entire development a business <br />park. He further stated that he didn't know what uses would be but <br />that they would have to come before his architectural board, Planning <br />Commission and Design Review Board. He further stated he wanted the <br />category distribution warehousing eliminated. He stated Utility <br />Vault and Best Blocks are already part of a reconstructed settlement <br />pond and Utility Vault is working two shifts. He further stated <br />the geologist could see no problems so far with the stability of the <br />land. <br />Mike O'Hearn, Habitec, 454 Washington Street, Santa Clara, architect <br />for the development, spoke. He presented slides of other business <br />parks which would be similar to the proposal of Caroline. <br />Commissioner Jamieson inquired about the size of the buffer and <br />Mr. O'Hearn explained it would be 25 ft. wide. Commissioner Jamieson <br />further stated that there was no guarantee the types of things shown <br />in the slides would be the types of things developed in this business <br />park. Mr. O'Hearn stated he selected slides from his collection <br />which would typify the plans for the proposed site. <br />Mr. Caroline stated that Bob Daily, Bissell & Karn; Judd Hull, <br />Geologist were both here to answer any questions. <br />-6- <br /> <br />