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Commissioner Jamieson made a motion seconded by Commission Doherty to drop <br />the appeal of a decision of the Director of Planning ~ Community Development <br />approving a minor modification for case PUD-80-1. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />Ayes Commissioners Doherty, Getty, Jamieson, Lindsey, and Chairperson <br />Wilson <br />Noes None <br />Resolution No. 2006 was <br />the Director of Planning <br />cation for case PUD-80-1 <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />then entered and adopted <br />& Community Development <br />as petitioned. <br />rescinding the appeal of <br />approving a minor modifi- <br />Discussion of BART in Pleasanton <br />C airperson Wi son as e t e cause of the letter from BART. <br />Commissioner Getty explained. She stated that at the last Planning Commission <br />meeting BART was discussed as part of the general Plan amendment caused by <br />the suggestion of the Land Use Review Committee and that the Planning Com- <br />mission voted to hold this matter in abeyance for the results of the North <br />Pleasanton Traffic Studies and further discussion with BART. <br />Mr. Harris stated that as a result of City Council direction the staff has <br />been working with BART to study BART parallelling I-580. <br />Commissioner Getty stated that the Planning Commission got concerned when <br />Mr. Wenzel of BART talked about getting government funds for the purchase of <br />sites without the City approving the location. <br />Commissioner Lindsey feels that as a businessman he doesn't want ksART down- <br />town because of the parking problems and doesn't see how they can ever af- <br />ford to tunnel. <br />Chairperson Wilson said the I-580 solution is the least expensive and that <br />perhaps using this we may eventually get BART to the valley. Chairperson <br />Wilson stated that in talking to Bectel Corporation in their opinion there <br />would never be another subway built in the United States because of the ex- <br />pense involved. <br />Mr. Harris stated that the Chamber of Commerce was having a meeting May 27, <br />1981 at 7:30 pm at which Bob Allen, BART, would be present. <br />Commissioner Lindsey stated that as liason for the Chamber Industrial Com- <br />mittee he would be more than happy to relay the opinion of the Planning <br />Commission at the Chamber meeting. <br />Joe Madden, 3851 Vineyard Avenue, stated he agrees with Chairperson Wilson. <br />He stated that as a citizen on the Land Use Review Committee there was a <br />12-0 vote that BART was not economically feasible and that we should quit <br />making studies that are nonsense. He stated we should be realistic and get <br />rid of things that are not in the cards at all. <br />The Commissioners discussed the number of stations that they would recommend. <br />Theme felt two would be sufficient and that the City has changed in recent <br />-3- <br /> <br />