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Commissioner Wilson asked if Mr. Harris knew how much was contributed <br />by La Rochelle. Mr. Harris stated he did not know. <br />Commissioner Lindsey said that this weekend the Chamber of Commerce <br />will be meeting concerning the downtown task force. He said this <br />matter might be best postponed for inclusion in the downtown task <br />force study. <br />Commissioner Wilson made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Jamieson, <br />that this matter be continued for inclusion in the downtown task <br />force. This motion was carried. <br />TENTP;TIVE MAPS <br />Tentative 1Map Tract 4588, Stoneson Development Company <br />Application of Stoneson Development Company for tentative map approval <br />which would allow a 158 dwelling unit residential subdivision on a <br />13.4 acre site located immediately south of Stoneridge Drive between <br />Pleasant Hill Road and Springdale Avenue. The property is zoned <br />RM-2500 (.Multiple-Family Residential) District. A negative declara- <br />tion of environmental impacts will also be considered. <br />This matter was continued to 12/9/81 at the applicant's request. <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />There were none. <br />REFERRALS <br />There were none. <br />MATTERS FOR COMMISSION'S INFORMATION <br />Commissioner Wilson asked that if by annexing more and more area it <br />will effect the holding capacity under the General Plan. <br />Mr. Harris stated that nothing out of the planning area has been <br />annexed. <br />Chairperson Getty stated that the report on City Council actions could <br />probably be better served at the end of the agenda after all public <br />hearings. The other Commissioners concurred with this suggestion and <br />the agenda will be changed to reflect this. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. <br />by Chairperson Joyce Getty. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Rober J. Harris, Secretary <br />-9- <br />