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PLANNING COMMISSION <br />Page 8 <br />5/11/83 <br />Mr. Dunkley reviewed the project and indicated the build-out <br />was scheduled for the 1980's and into the 1990's. He then <br />reviewed the requested changes to conditions 21, 61, 62, <br />63, 64, 65 and 70. The Commission did not have any problem <br />in accepting the changes to 61 and 62, but felt the other <br />conditions should stand for now, pending further discussions <br />between the applicant and staff. <br />There then ensued considerable discussion about the lot size <br />of those lots on the eastern boundary and it was determined <br />that condition ~~1 should remain as is with minimum lot size <br />at 12,000 sq. ft. <br />Al Wiemken, Trenery Drive, addressed the Commission. He <br />presented slides of the project and pursued the question of <br />a change in the lot size, his position being they should stay <br />at 12,000 sq, ft. or more. He also had a question about <br />condition 71 regarding the interim off-site sewer system, <br />which was explained by Mr. Warnick. <br />Mr. Clem Finney, Architectural Coordinator for the Diocese <br />of Oakland, spoke to the Commission regarding nark site on <br />the northern side of the project. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Getty, seconded by Commissioner <br />Doherty, that the negative declaration prepared for the application <br />for case PUD-83-8 be recommended for approval as the project would <br />have no significant adverse effects on the environment. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Doherty, Getty, Jamieson, Wilson and <br />Chairman Lindsey <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2299 was entered and adopted recommending approval <br />of the negative declaration prepared for the PUD development <br />plan approval, Case PUD-83-8. <br />There was some discussion about the lot size on the eastern <br />boundary with the consensus being condition ~~1 should remain <br />per staff recommendation. <br />Mr. Harris indicated he would like to add the following sentence <br />to condition ~~49: The fee .for Areas A, B, C and D shall be <br />that shown in the fees and charges resolution for R-1-6500 through <br />T _...,. .... . __~._ _ ._. ~_ . ., . ... . _ ., _ T. <br />