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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />10/26/83 <br />Page 12 <br />truck traffic and noise. Mr. Person also felt it wasn't right <br />to address the Tri-Valley area when the imbalance will occur in <br />Pleasanton as a result of approval of the general plan amendment. <br />Commissioner Lindsey then asked Mr. Pearson what he envisioned <br />in past years would take place on the industrial lands of the <br />Hacienda Business Park. Mr. Pearson indicated he did not envision <br />any particular buildout for the area. <br />Bill Owen, 2324 Crestline Road, said he has not read the EIR. <br />But after reading the Independent newspaper became concerned because <br />of the regional impacts involved. He was concerned with an imbalance <br />of growth. He feels Pleasanton is a quality place to live. <br />He felt that regionally one is competing for quantity and not <br />quality. He said he is a landscape architect in another City <br />and is aware of how things tend to happen. He agrees with comments <br />made by Mr. Pearson especially that trucks should have freeway <br />access and be away from the residential areas. He said the developers <br />have done a beautiful job to date and it speaks well for the community. <br />He had concerns with the-statement of the general plan concerning <br />regional job opportunities and in imbalanced community. <br />Mark Wegrich, 4372 Pleasanton Avenue, stated he felt that the <br />general plan change would be a big mistake. He said he grew up <br />in the Los Angeles area which has become environmentally bad. <br />He said he is a bike rider & did not feel that Pleasanton could <br />handle the general plan change from an environmental standpoint. <br />He stated that Canadian Geese and other species are no longer <br />evident. <br />Emily Carson, Skimmer Court, wanted the general plan amendment <br />to be put before the voters. She preferred the old Hopyard Road <br />look without the signals and traffic. <br />Kevin Brown, 3190 Montpelier, had concerns with increased traffic <br />in Pleasanton. He felt the industrial development has been much <br />higher than anticipated by the residents in town. He also had <br />concerns with residential growth exceeding the general plan requirements. <br />Commissioner Wilson said to his knowledge residential growth has <br />not met the projections in five years. Commissioner Wilson said <br />there must be two groups in town, i.e., one group says the City <br />is not adhering to the general plan and wants high density and <br />the other comes out against it whenver high density is proposed. <br />Mr. Swift pointed out that the general plan change is a clarification <br />of text and not a land use designation change. He said Judge <br />Marsh's ruling would not let all of Hacienda be built out as previously <br />thought possible without a change to the general plan. The classification <br />simply would allow Hacienda Business Park; any other major project <br />would in all likelihood require further general plan change. <br />Mr. Altschul asked Mr. Swift where in the genral plan amendment <br />it speaks to limiting the future projects to Hacienda Business <br />Park. Mr. Swift stated the classification does not specifically <br />