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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 15 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Wilson, seconded by Commissioner Lindsey <br />that case PUD-84-5 be recommended for approval subject to the conditions <br />shown in the staff report with the following changes and additions. <br />Condition No. 5 <br />That detailed project specific geotechnical studies shall be conducted prior <br />to devleopment of the site. These studies shall include subsurface exploration <br />including exploratory borings. inata~~ation-of-pieaometera and laboratory <br />testing. The developer shall follow all recommendations of these subsequent <br />geotechnical investigations. <br />Condition No. 13 <br />That except as modified herein, the uses and site development standards of <br />all custom lots shall be those of the R-1-20,000 District. <br />Condition No. 32 <br />That the 46 ft. wide streets and the 50 ft. wide streets shall be public <br />streets dedicated to the City and constructed to City standards. the-streets <br />aha~~-have-P-E-E--aidewaika-en-at-~eaat-one-aide-and-en-both-aides-where <br />deemed-neceaaarq-bq-the-Eitq-Engineer. The streets shall have sidewalks <br />on both sides of Bernal Avenue, Concord Street and Bordeaux Street <br />and on at least one side of the east west collector <br />Condition No. 37 <br />That Bordeaux Street be terminated-in-a-cni-de-sac-er-aa-other~iae <br />apprened-bq-the-Eity-Engineer connected per Exhibit C. The developer <br />shall dedicate any required right-of-way and construct the terminus <br />to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This work shall be completed <br />prior to occupancy of the 51st dwelling- unit. <br />Condition No. 44 <br />That the developer enter into an agreement to pay for a proportionate <br />mare of the water facilities necessary to properly serve the southeast <br />Pleasanton area and the Vintage Hills area. These facilities shall <br />be those as generally described in the report "Water Demand and Preliminary <br />Facilities necessary to create a loop water system for the southeast <br />Pleasanton and Vintage Hills areas:' All water fees necessary for this <br />purpose shall be proportionately paid prior to approval of each of the <br />final subdivision maps for the subject area. <br />Condtion No. 51 <br />That there be only one story homes on lots 21-31. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Innes,Lindsey, Wellman, Wilson and <br />Chairman Doherty <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Getty <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2510 was entered and adopted recommending approval of <br />case PUD-84-5 as motioned. <br />-15- <br />