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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 14 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Lindsey, seconded by Commissioner Innes <br />that the mitigated negative declaration prepared for case PUD-84-5 be recommended <br />for adoption inasmuch as conditions imposed upon project approval would reduce <br />any potentially significant environmental effects to an insignificant level. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />AYES: Commissioners Innes, Lindsey, Wellman, Wilson <br />and Chairman Doherty <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Commissioner Getty <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />Resolution No. 2509 was entered and adopted recommending approval of the <br />mitigated negative declaration proposed for case PUD-84-5 as motioned. <br />Commissioner Wilson indicated he would not like to see Angela Street go through. <br />Mr. Warnick indicated that this could be part of the design decision on the <br />project. He stated that there needs to be some way to take traffic from <br />the church. He asked that this decision be left open or the City could end <br />up with another Sutter Gate situation. Commissioner Lindsey stated the design <br />doesn't show Angela Street. <br />CommissionerInnes stated he would feel comfortable limiting lots 21 through <br />31 to single story along the border of the project. Commissioner Lindsey <br />wanted the developer to do everything possible to preserve the views. <br />Commissioners Innes and Wilson deiscussed sidewalks within the proposed development. <br />Mr. Warnick mentioned that when no sidewalks are provided in residential <br />areas children walk in the street and he would not like to see this happen. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked if it being proposed that all vertical curbs and <br />gutters are being put in. Commissioner Innes indicated he would like to <br />see the park extended if possible. Mr. Warnick reviewed the City's polices <br />with regard to park dedication fees, recommendations of the Park and Recreation <br />Commission, etc. He further stated that this is generally dealt with at <br />the tentative map stage. <br />Commissioner Innes, Mr. Swift and Mr. Harris then discussed density and conformity <br />with the general plan. Mr. Swift indicated that the plan does conform to <br />the general plan and would not be precedent setting. <br />Mr. Harris then requested that Condition No. 13 be amended to reflect the <br />uses shall be those allowed in the R-1-20,000 district. <br />Commissioner Wilson would like to see a condition added that there be no connection <br />to Angela Street unless it is necessary as shown by traffic studies to reduce <br />traffic on Angela Street. Mr. Harris indicated that if Angela Street were <br />changed,a modification to the PUD would be necessary if this PUD is approved <br />with the prohibition on the conneciton of Angela Street to Bernal AVenue. <br />-14- <br />,. _. _._.v_.. _ _ .._ _ _ .~ _ <br />