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8/8/84 <br />Planning Commission <br />Page 10 <br />Mr. Clausen indicated that 75 of the residents are willing to sign a petition <br />to this effect. He urged that his neighborhood be protected. Further he <br />didn't believe the road was wide enough to support the traffic. Mr. Warnick <br />explained that there is 25' curb to curb which allows two lanes. The road <br />is designed to take 35mph traffic. This has been planned for a long time. <br />He indicated that the dimension of the road now is the same as that now built <br />in front of Flair market and will be the same for the subject project. <br />Mr. Clausen had a concern with the removal of bike. lanes and parking. Mr. <br />Warnick explained that the General Plan has shown this for a long time and <br />the capital improvement to run the new access from Bernal along the school <br />property has been planned for a long time and they will be paving the existing <br />parking lot. <br />Chairman Doherty suggested that the staff be invited to the next regularly <br />scheduled homeowners meeting so that they can review the plans for the area. <br />He suggested that the discussion be non-argumentative but simply to provide <br />information. Mr. Clausen said they would like the meeting to be a clarification. <br />Ron Keefer, 1327 Bordeaux, lives one lot away from the proposed development. <br />He had concerns with backyards of the development being higher than other <br />levels similar to those homes which border Vineyard Avenue immediately opposite <br />the Hacienda Mobile Home Park. He expressed concern with lack of emergency <br />access. He would like to see Bordeau put through to the new development. <br />He preferred Option "C" presented by Richard Frisbee. It would allow an <br />alternate route for access but not put traffic on Bordeaux to Arbor Drive, <br />to Touriga. He felt the appropriate connection is through Lot 31. He <br />had no particular objections to the development. <br />Mel Chew, 1288 Concord Street, didn't want traffic coming down Concord Street. <br />He addressed the negative declaration proposed. He felt the area is one <br />of the last which has pretty hills and it will be wrong to have to have <br />homes up there. He had concerns with high density residential for the area. <br />He would like to see view easements given. Concord was built with a custom <br />home area especially going into Grillo Court. He explained the relationship <br />of his home to the proposal. His home is established and terraced to take <br />full advantage of the view. He invited the Commissioners up to view the <br />area. He suggested view easements be granted for Grillo Ct. and Bordeau. <br />The environmental impact statement mentioned schools. There is only one <br />school in Vinitage Hills (K-4). He asked that a school site be preserved <br />in the proposed development. He expressed concerns with traffic on Concord. <br />People will be going to Flair Market off of Palomino. Regarding the negative <br />declaration and Items 9, 10 and 13, he felt a school site is needed. there <br />will be an impact on utilities and sewer has not been adequately addressed. <br />He felt that aesthetically a view shed has not been adequately addressed. <br />He felt an EIR is necessary on a project of this size and value. He presented <br />a video tape of the view from various rooms of his home. He urged that they <br />be protected. <br />-10- <br />__~__ __..___ . __._... . _._.. _.. ____.~_...T_._ .__~~. _. _ _ _._ _,- _ <br />