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PC 07/11/84
City of Pleasanton
PC 07/11/84
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PC 07/11/84
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MINUTES <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />7/11/84 <br />Page 5 <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />Commissioner Getty asked staff to make comments on the architecture of the <br />units. Mr. Harris stated that staff is not opposed to the concept, but didn't <br />believe that the plans submitted went far enough as the module itself will <br />be very plain. It should be completely screened. <br />Commissioner Innes asked Mr. Harris if he had talked to Mr. or Mrs. Garner <br />about adding a permanent addition onto the existing structure. Mr. Harris <br />stated he has but it is considerably more expensive and the applicant indicated <br />they couldn't incur this expense at the present time. Commissioner Innes addressed <br />landscaping and parking. Mr. Harris indicated that the applicant is required <br />to secure an easement for 20 spaces from the Trinity Lutheran Church and <br />a landscape agreement would have to be signed requiring the landscaping <br />of the area be maintained in accordance with conditions of approval of the day care <br />Vice Chairman Wilson asked about the interior of the modular units. Mr. Stow <br />said it would be equipped with classrooms, office and restrooms and would be <br />40'x60'. He pointed out that he is the architect on the fencing and siting <br />only and not for the modular units. <br />Commissioner Innes had some concern with this type of construction and layout <br />of the parking lot and landscaping. He would favor a continuance on the design <br />review approval so that the applicant could work with staff. Vice Chairman <br />Wilson reiterated the position of the Commission that they would prefer an <br />addition be made to the existing building. Commissioner Getty felt that since <br />this would be 100% increase in use she felt the applicant should continue very <br />carefully an addition to the existing building. Commissioner Wellman favored <br />approval of the conditional use permit and was not sure that it would be fair <br />to require they construct an addition onto the building. A little more screening <br />might be in order. <br />Steve Allberg, husband of one of the owners on the project, stated that the <br />classroom nodular units have been approved by the State for classrooms. At <br />this point the cost of adding on to the existing structure is prohibitive to <br />them. They are not opposed to working with staff concerning the design and <br />screen of the modular unit. Commissioner Innes asked if the State has actually <br />approved the modular units for classroom use. Mr. Allberg said that this is <br />correct and that they are actually used on school sites. Commissioner Innes <br />asked if the State considered the units permanent or temporary. Mr. Allberg <br />stated that with a foundation they are considered permanent. Some have been <br />used for 20-25 years in certain areas. They have the State approval stamp. <br />Darlene Garner, 1251 Hopyard Road, one of the owners of the proposed use addressed <br />the parking situation. They have been in contact with Trinity Luthern Church <br />with regard to the parking lot. The Church uses the parking lot primarily <br />on weekends whereas the proposed use will be using the lot during the day. <br />The public hearing was closed. <br />The Planning Commission then discussed approval of the use permit and continuance <br />of design review approval. Commissioner Innes indicated he would not oppose <br />a modular unit if properly done but was concerned with screening, flat roofs. <br />He preferred an addition to the existing structure. <br />-5- <br />center. <br />
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