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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br />As the primary Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provider for the "fri-Valley <br />(Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin), the Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority (LAV"I'A) <br />completes coordination of rides into other parts of the Bay Area. LAV"I'A completes <br />certification of all ADA riders, and coordinates this information with the Pleasanton <br />Paratransit Office. LAV"('A assures that this coordination is consistent with local and regional <br />requirements. PPS and LAVTA's Wheels Dial-A Ride programs work together to coordinate <br />rides for clients in the Tri-Valley, and throughout the Bay Area. Through this partnership, <br />more responsive client service is provided. <br />• How will yon obtain and/or track necessary financial and operating information for <br />program management and reporting? <br />• [f private vendors or contractors are providing the information, what steps will you <br />take to verify or check the accuracy of the information? <br />• If performance data is collected by sampling, what steps will be taken to ensure that <br />samples arc representative and randomized? <br />Resnonse• <br />Operating Statistics <br />Statistical record keeping is done through an automated scheduling and records management <br />software. The software keeps records on clients transported, escorts/guests, lift assisted trips, <br />in-service miles and hours, cancellations, trip purposes, shared rides, rides per hour, on-time <br />performance, and denials. Dispatch staff inputs the data, and monthly, quarterly, and yearly <br />statistical reports are prepared for the City of Pleasanton, ACTIA, and MTC. A yearly audit <br />of the records is completed by the City, and reviewed by ACT[A staff. <br />Financial Records Mana =e~, ment <br />Punch card sales and redemption procedures are as follows: <br />Pleasanton residents are sold a punch card valued at $25.00 for use as needed. Residents' <br />From Sunol and unincorporated areas of Pleasanton pay $30.00. Drivers punch the cards <br />according to destination. A daily record of punch card sales is maintained at the Pleasanton <br />Senior Center. <br />The Pleasanton Finance Department prepares a monthly report that itemizes operating costs. <br />Six (6) months are combined for each ACTIA report. A yearly audit is completed by the <br />City, and reviewed by ACTIA staff. <br />X'.AParatransitAAnnual Program Application Cover FY0708 March 27, 2007.doc <br />Page 13 of 20 <br />