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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br />Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br />Response <br />1. Annual evaluation - An annual evahiation is mailed to every client, and includes space for <br />both complaints and commendations. The user is provided a free ride for completing the <br />evaluation, and all results are tabulated and reviewed by staff and the PPS Task force. The <br />Task Force provides recommendations to staff regarding this annual review process. <br />2. On-going customer phone calls and/or letters received by PPS staff or other City <br />employees. 'fhe buses have, in large print, the PPS phone number painted on the side. "Chic <br />advertised phone number is one of the best sources of customer feedback. Calls or <br />correspondence are routed to the PPS Supervisor and quickly resolved. <br />3. The City also provides customer feedback cards throughout all its departments and <br />programs. These cards are reviewed by the City management team, and shared with the <br />specific programs. <br />PPS staff will be working with ACTIA staff on the upcoming countywide paratransit survey <br />Describe your complaint and commendation process. Please describe your process from <br />beginning to end, including instructions provided to customers for fining complaints or <br />commendations, your documentation procedures, your follow up and any changes you have <br />made to your program as a result of customer complaints and commendations. <br />Responseā€¢ <br />Program complaints and commendations are directed to the PPS Supervisor, who deals with <br />the concerns/ideas on a one-on-one basis. These types of suggestions/concerns come from a <br />variety of sources, including the annual evaluation process, phone calls, City of Pleasanton <br />web site requests, letters and suggestions from the PPS Task Force, etc. <br />Staff commendations and complaints are dealt with directly by the Supervisor on a one-on- <br />one basis, and are documented in personnel files. "fhese comments are used as part of the <br />employee's annual performance evaluation. <br />A. List all activities undertaken in connection with this plan, including consumer or <br />public meetings, meetings with other agencies, presentations to boards, commissions <br />or committees, and provide general dates for these activities. <br />I3. Indicate whether this plan has been reviewed by a local paratransit advisory <br />committee. <br />C. Describe any surveys or analysis conducted and staff reports. <br />D. Describe how the planning process is connected to the service plan: how do the <br />services planned correspond to the results of the planning process? <br />X:\ParatransitWnnual Program Application Cover FY0708 March 27, 200Zdoc <br />Page 9 of 20 <br />