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Minutes <br />Planning Commissio. <br />November 26, 1985 <br />Chairman Wilson discussed removal of dirt in the grading process. <br />He felt this to be a very important issue. <br />Commissioner Innes didn't want to fe <br />recommending a permanent development <br />to live with the rest of your life. <br />subject is a preliminary development <br />no standard conditions of approval. <br />street, plan, etc. <br />~1 pressured into <br />for approval which you have <br />Mr. Swift explained that the <br />plan. That is why there are <br />There is no landscape, <br />Commissioner Hoyt said he had no problem with the lower density <br />proposed. Commissioner Innes disagreed with Commissioner Hoyt. <br />He felt the density of the townhouses on the east side <br />inappropriate as shown. He would like to have medium density <br />townhouses north interfacing with Laguna Vita. He would like to <br />see approximately one-half of the acreage currently shown in the <br />townhouses taken back and put into custom lots. <br />Chairman Wilson stated that to cluster the units, you may as well <br />leave the townhouses there. <br />Commissioner Michelotti didn't agree with the clustering of units <br />proposed and felt the development should take advantage of the <br />natural terrain. She was concerned with the visual impact of the <br />area. The previous plan showed four tiers of homes and now it <br />calls for three tiers of homes. She did not want the development <br />to be totally visible. <br />Chairman Wilson was concerned about fire trucks getting up a <br />narrow road. <br />Commissioner Innes asked Mr. Fairfield how many houses are on the <br />loop in the middle bench area. Mr. Fairfield responded there are <br />18 lots covering 20 acres on the loop. <br />Commissioner Michelotti felt some type of compromise had to be <br />reached keeping in mind economic feasibility, <br />Commissioner Innes stated his concern even with looking at the <br />alternative plans is that 224 units less 9 units still equals 215 <br />units. The residential review committee suggested a range of 165 <br />units. <br />Commissioner Lindsey made a motion that PUD-85-15 be moved for <br />approval and that the east side of Foothill Road have a maximum <br />of 130 units and remain Low Density Residential, that the area be <br />developed roughly as submitted by the applicant with 117 <br />townhouses and 13 one-half acre lots. The west side shall have <br />the General Plan changed from Low Density Residential and Open <br />Space to Low Density Residential approving 80 units on the bench <br />only with the remaining 9 units and park access be removed from <br />the development. <br />Commissioner Innes indicated he could not second the motion as he <br />could not support 117 townhouses. <br />- 12 - <br />