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MINUTES OF JOINT STUDY SESSION <br />OF <br />THE CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION <br />October 14, 1985 <br />CALL TO ORDER <br />Mayor Ken Mercer called the meeting to order at 7:35 P.M. <br />ATTENDANCE <br />Those in attendance were Councilmembers Brandes, Butler, Mohr, <br />Mayor Mercer, and Commissioners Hoyt, Lindsay, Michelotti, <br />Wellman and Wilson. Mr. Walker, City Manager, Chandler Lee, <br />Planning Consultant, Mr. MacDonald, City Attorney, Mr. Swift, <br />Director of Planning and Community Development, and Dolores <br />Bengtson, Director of Parks and Community Services, were also <br />present. <br />PURPOSE OF THE STUDY SESSION <br />Mr. Lee stated that the purpose of this study session is to <br />consider proposed changes to the General Plan Land Use Map. The <br />decisions made at this meeting are tentative and will be analyzed <br />in terms of traffic, noise, air quality and other effects as part <br />of the General Plan review process. All proposed changes will be <br />subject to an EIR and public hearings. <br />Councilman Brandes asked whether or not property owners of the <br />parcels to be discussed had been invited to this meeting. Mr. <br />Lee answered that the meeting was announced in the newspapers and <br />any property owners who had expressed an interest in these <br />meetings had been notified by mail. <br />Mr. Lee explained the basis of discussion were three land use <br />proposals which were based on discussions of the joint study <br />session held on September 9. <br />These three proposals, The "Committee" Proposal, The "Maximum <br />Residential" Proposal and The "Community Facility" Proposal, are <br />outlined in Staff Report 85:501 dated October 14, 1985. <br />DISCUSSION OF LAND USE PROPOSALS <br />A. West of Foothill Road <br />Parcels 1 and 2 - Various Owners <br />Discussion centered around 670' elevations and a slope of 25 %. <br />Councilman Butler pointed out that two different groups of <br />approximately 100 people put much effort into making <br />determinations of these types of elevations. The visual impact <br />on existing homes in general is another issue to be considered. <br />1 <br />