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Minutes <br />Planning Commissio: <br />4/24/85 <br />Commissioner Innes asked if the Shell mini-mart sold beer. After <br />discussion, it was stated that they do sell beer. <br />Commissioner Wellman asked if Mr. Hirst put in a deli at 6280 <br />West Las Positas Boulevard whether or not he would sell liquor. <br />Mr. Harris indicated that he probably would if the A.B.C. gave <br />him a license. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Ben Magshoudi, 11389 Crystal Lane, Dublin, indicated that he has <br />purchased the gasoline station on Hopyard Road. He needs the <br />extra income of selling beer to make the station economically <br />viable. Lucky Markets, the liquor store, all are within walking <br />distance of the gas station. He has been in this type of <br />business over 10 years and has had no problem. With responsible <br />people, it doesn't make any difference where they purchase beer. <br />Commissioner Getty asked how much the beer would increase their <br />sales.. Mr. Magshoudi said it would increase it by $350. <br />Commissioner Wilson asked Mr. Magshoudi if he sold diesel fuel. <br />The response was no but they do have a tow and vacuum service. <br />With 250 sq. ft. you can't carry a lot of items. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Commissioner Getty also had problems with selling beer from gas <br />stations. Commissioner Innes felt it would have a significant <br />effect on his vote as to whether or not the Shell station on <br />Hopyard Road had been granted approval to sell beer and wine. <br />Commissioner Innes asked staff about the proposal. Mr. Harris <br />stated. that staff recommended that the applicant apply to have <br />his property rezoned. <br />Commissioner Wilson suggested that perhaps the matter be <br />continued to another meeting to study the effects of such a <br />zoning code change on other areas of Pleasanton. <br />A mo;~ion was made by Commissioner Wilson, seconded by <br />Commissioner Wellman that the request to initiate an amendment to <br />the zoning code to conditionally allow service <br />stations/convenience stores in the CN (Neighborhood Commercial) <br />District be continued to 5/8/85, 8:OOpm. This motion carried <br />5-0. <br />TENTATIVE MAPS <br />There were none. <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br />There were none. <br />- 14 - <br />. T <br />