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Martin Inderbltzen, 62 West Neal Street, campllmented Statt on the report, <br />especially the section relating to the San Francisco project. He noted the purpose <br />of a Specific Plan and said that there must be consistency with City policies. It <br />was suggested that a proposal to limit residential development is unadvisabie for <br />several reasons, including the tact that it limits development options for the City. <br />Restrictk~ns on the San Francisco property are redundant and will only impact that <br />specific lion, not the total nunbers. Some negative aspects of growth <br />limitation on ~ti~e San Francisco parcel were hNgl-ligi-ted. One issue raised in the <br />staff apart that deserves eprplaa312t~ is thit phasing of development, which is a <br />res~lctten on d-, is more app~epriate for the Specific Plan rather than the <br />General Plan. <br />Commi~lvner Tarver sougi-t Mput from Mr. IrNierbitzen, on behalf of the GPRC, for <br />the CtMnmission's rlcvmmefldatbn to the Ctty Council. <br />P'1r'. Inde!'bitzen rep-liad tlaet file C'~RC ha3 C8nSlder'ed the issues Ot rate, <br />berx~wnarks, and efforts to flatten the gr~vth curare. 1,000 units per year would <br />be tolarable sly there was a siE.rong minority cor~inger-t that felt there should <br />be no cap and that tine only relaxant criteria relate to the ability of the <br />infrastructure to service growth. There Is trustratton with the apparent lack of <br />impact ~ tfie amount of tMne spent by the committee and sub-committees. <br />Coinmisaieney' Michelotti question~ wAeEher the 1,000 quoted was an 'absorbtion <br />rate' or lruiwlN+g pits h- tl~e apphoasl process. Mr. inder'bitZen repikd that the <br />i,t14Aw~i an alprewal rate. Moth lAat morel there would be a tskly even flow of <br />deaelepeae~lt. 1"k'. Lee's apart was cited. The City should reconcile the General <br />Plan dewlopntent t~Mg regwirelnents with the appro~rai process. <br />ChaMper~t irindaey gaestte~l lbt car~ittee's cencenaus on a population <br />benclanark. Mr. InAerbitxen reptioi thrt fire lees w~ ~~- re,~ected. <br />.john Stae, S3ls Awe :igreret, ceaemortilti icpmenE could be exernM-ed <br />from the and of conraaor+ciai l~~g Mnp•tts. PMsoanton has absorbed a <br />signitt amount ut ®ttice e,aoe..j~ growth leads to u-e need for more Housing. <br />My population 1Ma~ttattens ww10 ccr~icste to the develop~rient connmr-ity a <br />lank of Interest M growth. <br />Dale Mottett, representing The Northern Group, expressed concern over his sizeable <br />investment to Piessae-ton. His pro)ect is in ,yeopardy unless it is grandtathered in. <br />The plan arrived at by the City shouldembody a sense of equity. It the City places <br />a 1,000 cap and 'squeezes down' the exwmpt environment, there will be negative <br />impact especially on high qualityllow cost housing. <br />Minutes 4 July 8, 1987 <br />