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views would not impeded when development took place. He <br />expressed concern that this was no longer true. He requested <br />that the Commission not approve anything over 16' and that Lot 8 <br />would be designed for a single-family home. <br />Wayne Emery, 4435 Entrada Drive, stated that if building was <br />done on Lot 4 that a two-story home would violate his privacy <br />and the viewshed to the large oak tree. He added that Dr. <br />Connolly did not say that the developer would build all <br />two-story homes but felt if approval were given for Lots 5 and 8 <br />that approval would be given for the rest of the Iots. He <br />favored single-story homes for that area in order to protect alI <br />the neighbors' privacy. <br />Mr. Swift explained about the PUD rules and sideyard setback <br />requirements. <br />Ron Sandberg, 45D Neal Street, expressed concern about <br />overgrading and asked that the original plan be kept intact. <br />Commissioner Tarver wondered whether changes could be made to <br />accommodate the concerns of the people here tonight regarding <br />the placement of the lots and the possibility of two-story <br />homes. Mr. Swift said any changes could be made by modifying <br />the RUD's and the Commission has the authority to initiate <br />changes. <br />Marleen Sanford, 45D Neal Street, gave a brief history of why <br />the neighborhood did not voice more opposition several years ago <br />when the project first was approved. She stated she has been in <br />her home on Neal Street for 21 years. She said the neighborhood <br />did not wish to put too many restrictions on Dr. Connolly's <br />plans and did not wish to fight. However, the concern is <br />greater at this paint and the residents felt they had <br />compromised enough. She said she has written to Dr. Connolly <br />asking for a plan of what the homes would look Iike, but to date <br />has not received that information. She expressed opposition to <br />the building of two-story homes. <br />John Tompkins, 4385 Entrada Drive, stated that he is moving this <br />month to San Juan Way where he will have a lovely view. <br />However, he felt that as he had lived there for some years, he <br />should express his concern far the remaining people. He felt <br />that there was real communication lacking and that more work <br />needed to be done with Dr. Connolly in order to accommodate <br />everyone's concerns. He finalized by saying he was not in favor <br />of two-story homes in that area. <br />Al Dutchover, architect for the project, returned to the podium. <br />He said Dr. Connolly has talked to the people present tonight <br />about the project. It was his opinion that no promises had been <br />made to those people regarding the building of two-story homes <br />and that if no limitations are put on them, that the developer <br />would be free to build two-story homes on all lots. <br />Fage 1a <br />