Choira,an Lindsey stated that for the time being the Com~r,ission
<br />is simpi ~ tai=:ing inp~et from the pe_~biie and that reo Mans far
<br />t,ai 3 di ng are E~ei r,g mane far at 1 east five +,~ears.
<br />~s~ri Schneider , 6 ;5 Graf i na C;-girt , f ~evared a f eatt~er i ny~ effect of
<br />large ar:~ ss-naii Names rsat to e;~ceec# .:; ifnits acre.
<br />rrani~- ~e3eci:-;~, 89~ Madeira 3?rive, favc:red Io:,: ,-density I~`aith
<br />sinc~ie farr,il~:- residences vat to e.yceed _ ~er,gtslacre.
<br />C+lanc-y Star ch, L 19.=~ Ch3r-donnay i~ri're, agr eed with the pretri a:_is
<br />testimony, favoring law density, single farr,i~y residences. She
<br />ai so asi~-ed that the Camtr,i ssi ar. tak-e Seri ails carisi der-ati cir to
<br />:hat the ent.r-i es to the Ci ter st-,oe_il d l aaQ~: I i i::e.
<br />The public hearing was closed.
<br />~=; ,-r,ati an zsas made by Cammi ssi aver t'ii chef otti , seconded b ;,
<br />Carri,-r,i ssi aver !''iahet-n recommending approval of tt'se t~egati ve
<br />~eclaratian prepared for iZ-SB-.=~ inasmi_sch as project appr ova.;.
<br />wo~ei d have ar, i r,sa gr, ~ f I cant effect on the entli ranment .
<br />a'r`ES: Cammi ssi avers Hayt , It'lahern , h'ii chef ott i , Tar ver ,
<br />ant C~:a~r sr,ar, ! andsey
<br />S~;GES: Mane
<br />AEeSEI'ST: Cammi ssi over Eierger
<br />AL~STAI~i: thane
<br />r~esol ~iti on i~lo. F`C-88-~8 was entered and adopted recomsT,endi ng
<br />appravaf of the f'+Eegative Leclaratian far Case F:Z-c38-: as
<br />,~-ot i aned .
<br />moti an was made btu Co,=imi ssi aver Hat: t , seLanded b~f Camm-~ ssi aver
<br />:''iat-sern recammendi ng approval of Case F'C-t3S-_ f i ndi r:g that the
<br />pr-aposed coning district is cansiscent with the goals ar:d
<br />policies of the eneral F'l an, and prey ani ng the proper- ty to F'L:D
<br />tF'i armed Unit I}evel ailment ~ - it'ledi ~~,-n ~ensi ty F:esi,~enti al ,_ jai tt-, a
<br />rr,a;; i m~em of -? rent. is/acre.
<br />--------------
<br />A~`ES: Cam,~,i ssi avers Fiayt, 3wiaherr; , ttii Ci"iel acti , -Ta:~ver ,_
<br />and Chai rrrsan Li r:c#sar
<br />~~C~ES : iJane
<br />HBSEh1T: Ca,r,mi ssi aver Ser~er-
<br />Resol citi or, fiaa. F'C-So-~~ was entered and adapted reco,zimendi nib
<br />,approval oa vase F:~-SS--T as motioned.
<br />F'age i i
<br />