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report, s~ath the fo33r.~wang amendmerrts~ Condati:~n :., - The <br />neigt'cbor!-aood parr; shou3d remain as is ad~aCent to the freeway, <br />and adding Corcdition a~ - That Construction be tied to ti-le <br />begi nni rag of Lurstructi or: of tt-ae new ffii ddi e school. . <br />ROLL CALL VOTE <br />-------------- <br />A'C'ES: Commissioners Hoyt , i'',ahern , iii Cr~e3 otti , Tar- :per- , <br />.and Ct-iai rman Li rcdsey <br />!'a.~UES : done <br />~,~;SEhiTo Commi ssi ones Eserger <br />ADSTfi I iii: E~ione <br />~.esolutaon Ho. PC-SS-~? was entered and adopted ecommeredirag <br />approval Case E~°-3~?-i as motioned. <br />Con:mi ssi caner- Tar-ver added ti-~at he supported the emergent ~ road <br />being a pL(blYt road if there is a school site and supported the <br />Concept of the para~~ and sthooi area being togeti~ier. <br />NEW_BUSINESS___Public_Hearings <br />RZ_88_,~s_City_o-F_Pleasanton <br />Application of the City of Pleasanton to preaone an <br />approximately b.5 acre site located on the north side of <br />Vineyard Avenue approximately 450 feet east of the intersection <br />of EI Capitan Drive and Vineyard Avenue to the PUD {Planned Unit <br />Development) - Medium Density Residential District or to any <br />other district consistent with the General Plan. <br />i''dr. Saai f t presented the staff report reCOmmendi ng app rot,;ai of <br />Case n;Z-SS-.= as shown in the staff report. <br />The public hearing was opened. <br />Steve Cook=:, representing i'';i~::e Harris, stated that he Concurred <br />tai t h a3 1 of staff ' s recocTcmendati ons and would answer any <br />questions. <br />!Tara arc Hai versorc, ~=1? Clara Lar:e, presentedi a map drawing to the <br />Cori:c=fission. She e„pressed Concern about the possibibity of <br />having medium densityf on the property an t~uestion nd Tai:°ored <br />iow densaty- <br />Cof~mi ssi over Hoyt ast; ed f*1s. Halverson i = she <br />a deresaty such as ti-fe D3 ac~.burn!Teaxeara <br />una t;'aCre. She felt t~cat wool [f be agree; <br />Cotfi(iii ssi an to Consider Vineyard ~svenue as a <br />to study the sa tcaat a on Car e f u3 1-; . <br />;wou3 d be opposed {~o <br />Case whict-a Zs ~.~i <br />able. She as~:ed the <br />scenic Corridor and <br />saorc F°aC:,ett, o EI Capitan, supps~rted ids. Ha3}:erson `s comments <br />and also favored 3 oia or no density. He a>; pr essed di may ti~at <br />arfyt~-ci ng might t-se built i n the area Lirider di stussi on . <br />Page 1 f..~ <br />