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Lorie ~hinio~r read thrrni~:h attachment "_' and asked if the Committee ~yanted to use this <br />process for purposes of discussing the hypass road. al Schornu said he believed that <br />Option B was already eliminated in the previous mcetin<~. Loric responded that several <br />indi~~iduals wanted to see it put hack on. al Spotorno said he helieyed the Committee <br />ryas ~~orkine backwards. Vanessa Ka~yaihau asl.ed if the mall~ix could he amended to <br />begin ~~~ith Option C because an P.IR ~yill address some of the issues. Ro~~er ~tilaunin~a <br />asked if he could get consensus shout Option .4 because if the purpose of the Committee <br />~~yas to cou~c up ~ti ith a recommended bypass road alignment then "status quo" doesn~t <br />make sense. Lorie finfo~~ asked ifthere ryas consensus to eliminate Option A. Jim <br />Freitas stated that Option ,4 is on the matrix because al Spotorno could put houses ou <br />his property right no~~ti and that~s the purpose for Option :1. al Schorno asked for <br />clarification on Option a. Lorie Tinfrn~ said Uption A indicates there ~~~ill he no nc~y <br />road and housing dcnsit< would remain consistent ~yith the Ilapp~ Vallee Specific Plan. <br />She added that Option E3 is the original bypass ali~~nment modified to wort: ~~~~ith the <br />geulog}. Roger asl:cd ho~~ the Committee ~~-ouldLno~1 nx~difving Option S could be <br />done. Loric ~finfu« responded that we doo't l:no~i if it could he done. Lorie reviewed <br />all aspects of the matrix provided. Lighting. trees and the height of the berm vterc added <br />as elements to the matrix. <br />?. Determine process to he used <br />Committee a~~recd to use the process and mau•i~ ~~~ith the added three elements for <br />pw~poscs of discussion. <br />~. T~iscuss options and determine next steps <br />Loric Tinfo~y introduced Don 13rug<aers. a gcotechnicat expert with i:I~G[:U Inc. ~t-ho is <br />~~orl:ing ~yith Grecnbriar on the project that contains the bypass road alignment included <br />in Uption C. Do^ had also reyiewcd the geotechnical report associated ~yith the ori~~inal <br />bypass road alignment described in Uption B. Ile explained that Option i3 has nine <br />specitic slide areas and t~~o deep landslide areas that are up to lj0 feet deep. Don <br />explained the '~m~issiyc excavating" that would be required to build a b~'pass road in <br />accordance Frith Option I3. Dun described challenges in haying to lo~~yer around eater <br />le~:els and tl:c need to build retainin~~ ~aal!s. :x'hen asl:cd if Uption B is poss;hlc. Don <br />stated anything is possible if rou put enough money and effort into it. but the road is not <br />economically feasible. He stated that from a gcotechnical perspective. Option C is much <br />^iore realistic. Don indicated that there were fow• small slide areas in Uption C that <br />mere much more mana~~cable in size (the lar~aest to approximately ~0 legit in depth) and <br />much more feasible to excavate. Sep oral Committee members asked ~~~hat the <br />apl?rosimate cost difference w°as hch~een the t~eo options. Don said it would he millions <br />of dollars more I<n• Option I3. There ~yould be approximately $I fl million more for <br />simple parading alone. Tom Smith asl:cd Don if he had at any other alignment <br />options. Don stated he had not. Pat COSlanGO stated that constructing a road anywhere <br />in the general area of Option H would include the two large landslide areas. .~l Schorno <br />asked again for an approximate amount for the cost differcucc bet~yeen Option B and <br />Uption C. Pat said they could ~~et an estimate. but he docsn~t have that information <br />immediately a~ailahle. A~'anessa ha~~aihau said the court azreed with City attorney <br />Roush that it «as costh~ to put in the bypass road using Uption B. but feasible. She said <br />the Cite has to prop e its enyironmentall~ unsound. and clarified that Don had said its <br />not practical. Don ciarifed information airead~ presented and said its problematic. <br />}IVE3RC Minutes U9-14-O6 '- <br />