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sa}~ that Nape \- al1e~ is no lon~~er rural. .41 Schorno asked «~hat ~~~as the cost of the <br />b~~pass road. Pat Costanzo ans~~cred approsimatcl~~ $l~l-1 i million. There etas a <br />dialogue about the I~:IR hcin~~ conducted and the l~i~~cr Salamanders that ~~~ill be <br />impacted. Pat stated that there is information that is a~~ailablc from the first EIR <br />report. includiu~_ information about the salamanders. Vanessa said the EIR isn~t <br />read~~ 1' ~_ scars later and she ~~ants to see the icasibilit~ before the committee <br />recommends amthin~~. Gene Jordon added that he fcrls the reports are for someone <br />else to figure out. not the job of the committee. Jim Preitas asked ho~~ long it ~~~ould <br />take to build the b~~pa~s road. Pat ans~~•ered about a ~°ear. <br />Tom Smith asked ~~~hen thr committee ~~~ill he able to define ~~~•hat ~~ill be ~~oted on. <br />Ro~rcr ~lannin~ su~~gcsted that the nest mcetin~~ should limit the munber of the routes <br />to three options and diseuss the pros and cons of each. Gear sug~~csted Option I3 he <br />rliminatcd. ~I~hcre ~~~as no objection from thr commiuec and Option B ~~as <br />eliminated. The committees issues Cor discussion are: <br />^ Aesthetics <br />^ Yolitical'Condcmnation <br />^ Traffic <br />^ I)rnsi(~ <br />• till"aTlg~ to grr SUppOPI <br />^ Bike Path'Side~~all: <br />^ ~I~rccs <br />^ l~.m ironmrntal Impact <br />^ Grotechnicul <br />^ ] Icight: Unc Story ~~s. I~~~~u Stor~° houses <br />The crnnmittce rryucs~rd a matrix be deg eloped to help them rate each option. Lone <br />said she ~~ould create a mall~is for the nest mretin~~. :~nothrr meetin~~ ~~as scheduled <br />in case it's necrssar~. The nest meetings arc seheduled for September l~_ ~OUC and <br />September ?8. ''OO6. <br />G. Topics Tor Nczt 1\1ceting <br />Nodling additional <br />H. Adjournment -Lorin ~finli~~~° adjourned the meeting at 9:>0 PIv-I. <br />IIVBRC Minutes OK-10-0G 4 <br />