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Chairperson Foa inquired whether Commissioner 131ank would be willing to reduce the <br />^umber of students to 15. Commissioner Blank replied that he was not willing to do so, <br />and noted that in looking at the chart and the standard deviation, he believed that 20 was <br />a reasonable dividing line. I Ie added that there were no traffic mitigation issues, arld he <br />did not believe it would have a signil7cant impact. IIe wished to I<ecp the process as <br />streamlined as reasonably possible. <br />Commissioner O'Connor inquired whether any Cummissioners had safety concerns with <br />respect to this ordinance. <br />Commissioner I31ank noted that he relied on staff"s judgment based on the presentation. <br />He believed that if someone wanted to put a tutoring facility at the very busy corner of <br />IIopyard Road and Owens Drive, statf would mal:c the proper determination whether the <br />site was a safe industry. Ms. Decker contlrmal that would be the case. <br />Commissioner Olson noted that the Commission must rely on the judgment of the parents <br />as well. <br />Commissioner 131ank agreed with Commissioner Olson's assessment and believed that <br />parents would approach staff with any unsafe situations. <br />Chairperson Fox expressed concern about the safety issues raised by certain collocated <br />businesses and would not support this motion in its current form. <br />ROLL CALL VOTE: <br />AYES: Commissioners 131an1c, Narum, O'Connor, and Ycarcc. <br />NOES: Commissioner Fox. <br />ABSTAIN: None. <br />RECUSED: None. <br />ABSENT: None. <br />Resolution Nu. PC-2007-11, approving PRZ-37, was entered and adopted as <br />motioned. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 14, ?007 Page 7 of 7 <br />