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Pimlico Drive Turnout nnr/ Pipeline Project Environmental Checklist <br />disposal needs. "fhe project will not impact utilities or service systems. Therefore, this <br />would be no impact. <br />17. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE <br />Issues <br />Less tltan <br />Potentially Significant Less than <br />Significant With Mitigation Significant Nn <br />Impact Incorporated Impact Imna <br />Mandatory FindinEs of Significance <br />Would tl:e project: <br />a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the <br />quality of the environment, substantially reduce <br />the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a <br />fish or wildlife population to drop below self- <br />sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or <br />animal community, reduce the number or restrict <br />the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal <br />or eliminate important examples of the major <br />periods of California history or prehistory? <br />^ ^ ~ ^ <br />b) Does the project have impacts that are <br />individually limited, but cumulatively <br />considerable? (°Cumulatively considerable" <br />means that the incremental effects of a project <br />are considerable when viewed in connection with <br />the effects of past projects, the effects of other <br />current projects, and the effects of probable <br />future projects)? <br />c) Does the project have environmental effects <br />which will cause substantial adverse effects on <br />human beings, either directly or indirectly? <br />^ ^ ^X ^ <br />^ ^ ^X ^ <br />Discussion <br />a, c) Project measures are recommended in this Initial Study to prevent significant effects in <br />the categories of cultural resources, air quality, noise and transportation/traffic. With <br />implementation of Project Measures, impacts to cultural resources in the case of <br />encountering an undiscovered cultural, archeological or historic resource will be less than <br />significant. <br />The project has been designed and will be constructed to incorporate standards and <br />specifications of the City of Pleasanton and to meet local codes and regulations. <br />b) "The project will not add appreciably to any existing or foreseeable future significant <br />cumulative impact, such as species endangerment, wetland loss or air quality degradation. <br />Incremental impacts, if any, will be negligible and undetectable. The project is not <br />contingent on or otherwise related to the development of any other project. The project <br />City of Pleasanton 49 Winzlcr ~~ Kelly <br />Draft Initial Study/Proposed Negative Declarahon August 2006 <br />04?6350I <br />