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Piurlico Drive Turnout and Pipeline Project Environmental CGecklist <br />all times, except [or brief street closures for installation of pipeline facilities across the <br />street. At the end of the work day open trenches will be covered with steel plates. The <br />level of service (LOS) along Pimlico and Brockton drives in residential areas is C and <br />along Pimlico Drive in the commercial section of the pipeline alignment the LOS is C <br />(City of Pleasanton, Growth Management Plan 2002). <br />The Pimlico Drive/Santa Rita Road intersection is located just south of the eastbound <br />Interstate 580 on ramp and is subject to congestion and high traftc volumes in the <br />morning and evening peak commuter periods. The LOS at the intersection in the morning <br />is D and in the evening is E (personal communication Mr. Michael Tassano City of <br />Pleasanton Senior Transportation Engineer, April 11, 2006). <br />Installation of the tie-in of the water transmission pipeline with the existing 27-inch water <br />transmission pipeline near the intersection of Pimlico Drive and Santa Rita Road will <br />require closure of up to two lanes of the four-lane, west bound Pimlico Drive at the tie-in <br />location during the day over a period of one to two weeks during construction activity. <br />All open trenches will be covered at the end of the day. <br />One west bound lane of Santa Rita Road may be temporarily closed during the day <br />during installation of the pipeline connections at the Santa Rita control valve vault site. <br />Steel plates will be placed over open trenches at the end of the work day. Traffic exiting <br />Interstate Freeway 580 onto Santa Rita Road in the cast direction during the day may <br />need to merge into the inside lane of Santa Rita Road. <br />Parking occurs along Pimlico Drive in both the residential and commercial sections of the <br />road. In addition, there are entrances and exits to commercial businesses on either side of <br />Pimlico Drive, including one entrance/exit to a commercial business near the location of <br />the proposed tie-in. Pipeline construction in this area of Pimlico Drive may require up to <br />two lanes to be closed for short periods of time during construction until the pipeline is <br />installed and roadway surface restored. Up to two lane closures may be needed at the site <br />of the proposed tie-in near the intersection of Pimlico Drive and Santa Rita Road. Lane <br />closures in this area during peak morning and evening commute hours will decrease <br />traffic flow and the level of service at this intersection. <br />Although the traffic hazard associated with the project is limited by its small extent and <br />brief duration, due to the current poor level of service at the intersection of Pimlico Drive <br />and Santa Rita Road during commute periods, Project Measure TRANS-1: Traffic <br />Control Plan has been incorporated as part of the Project. The Measure requires the <br />Contractor to prepare a formal traffic control plan that would be implemented to keep <br />impacts on traffic flow, parking, and pedestrian/bicycle safety to a practical minimum. <br />This impact is considered less than significant. <br />c, g) No impact. The project will not affect air traffic patterns nor adopted policies, plans, or <br />programs supporting alternative transportation. Therefore, this would be no impact. <br />City of Pleasanton 47 Winzler ~ Kelly <br />Draft Initial Study/Nroposcd Negative Declaration August 2006 <br />04263501 <br />