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Pintlieo Drive Tnrnorrt and Pipeline Project Environntentrrl Checklist <br />The 1996 General Plan Update identified growth control measures that will ensure <br />growth occurs in a planned manner so that direct and indirect effects of rapid growth can <br />be minimized or avoided. The City of Pleasanton has adopted a Growth Management <br />Ordinance to plan growth through brtild out (Chapter 17.36) and prepared a Growth <br />Management Plan (1995) to help the City to manage effects of City growth. With long- <br />term planning and growth control measures in place that would avoid or reduce direct or <br />indirect effects of substantial growth in the area under full build out, the potential for <br />growth inducement associated with the project would be less than significant. <br />b, c) No Impact. No housing units or people will be displaced by the project. <br />13. PUBLIC SERVICES <br />Environmental Setting <br />The City of Pleasanton has public services and infrastructure planned to meet the build out of the <br />General Plan, as implemented by the Growth Management Plan. <br />Standards of Significance <br />For purposes of this environmental document, an impact is considered significant if the proposed <br />project would: <br />• Create an increase in demand for police protection services which could substantially <br />interfere with the ability of the Police Department to provide adequate response time to <br />the project site; <br />• Create an increased demand for fire protection services that would substantially interfere <br />with the ability of the Fire Department to provide adequate response time to the project <br />site; <br />• Create an increased demand for schools that would exceed existing school capacity; or, <br />• Create an increased demand for parks and other public facilities that would exceed <br />existing capacity. <br />ISSUCS <br />Less than <br />Potentially Significant with <br />Signifcant J1itigation <br />^npact IncornoratcJ <br />Less than <br />Significant <br />Impact No Impact <br />Public Services <br />YFould the project: <br />a) Would the project result in substantial adverse <br />physical impacts associated with the provision <br />of new or physically altered governmental <br />facilities, need for new or physically altered <br />governmental facilities, the construction of <br />which could cause significant environmental <br />impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service <br />ratios, response times or other performance <br />City of Pleasanton 43 <br />Draft Initial Study/Proposed Negative Declaration <br />^ ^ <br />^X ^ <br />Winzlcr & Kelly <br />August 2006 <br />0426301 <br />