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PTR-2 <br /> <br />Order No.: 417375 <br /> <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> <br />REAL PROPERTY in the Township of Pleasanton, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br /> <br />PARCEL 1: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point on the line dividing Tract "N" as said Tract is shown <br />on that certain Map entitled, "Map of the property of the Estate of <br />Elizabeth A. Doughterty, deceased, in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties," <br />filed May 11, 1891, in Book 8 of Maps, at Page 75, in the office of the <br />County Recorder of Alameda County from Section 12, in Township 3 South in <br />Range 1 west M.D.B.& M. distant thereon southerly 1524.60 feet from the <br />intersection of said dividing line, with the center line of Foothill Road, <br />known as the County Road, leading from Dublin to Sunol; and running thence <br />south along said dividing line 42 feet, to the southern boundary line of <br />said Section 12; thence south 89° 40' west along the last named line <br />1254.80 feet, to the Section corner common to Section 11, 12, 13 and 14. <br />Township 3 Range South Range 1 West; M.D.B.& M.; thence south 0° 10' west <br />along the dividing line between said Section Numbered 13 and 14, 472.80 <br />feet, to the Northern boundary line of the land conveyed by Ernest T. <br />Minney and wife, to M.E. Roberts, by deed dated January 12, 1929, and recorded <br />in the office the Recorder of said County in Book 2049 of Official Records, at <br />Page 68: thence along the last named line, East 1137 feet to the southwestern <br />boundary of the land of Musser; thence along said last named line north 50° 11' <br />west 122.82 feet; thence continuing along the line of the land of Musser, north <br />30° 29' east 264.87 feet; thence north g° D2' east 63.50 feet; thence north 56° <br />15' east 84.80 feet; thence south 76° 23' east 72 feet; thence south 62° 44' <br />east 71.50 feet; thence south 52° 51' east 100.50 feet, thence south 46° 49' <br />east 175.80 feet; thence south 21° 43' east 89.80 feet; thence south 54° 25' <br />east 121.55 feet; thence south 28° 07' east 75.50 feet; thence east 262.80 feet; <br />thence north 19° 41' west 502.78 feet; thence north 70° 19' east 790.45 feet to <br />the center line of Foothill Road, known as the County Road leading from Dublin <br />to Sunol; thence along said last named line north 18° 45' west 255.24 feet; <br />thence leaving said Road and running south 68° 25' west 1100 feet, more or less, <br />to a point distant 250 feet easterly from the point of beginning; thence <br />westerly in a direct line 250 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />PARCEL 2: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point on the Section line common to Section 13 and 14, Township 3 <br />South, Range i West, Mount Diablo Base and Meridian; said point being the most <br />southwestern corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by Ernest T. Minney <br />and Anna G. Minney, his wife, to M.E. Roberts, by deed dated January 12, 1929, <br />and recorded January 17, 1929 in Book 2049 of Official Records of Alameda <br /> <br />FIRST AMERICAN TITLE <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br /> <br />