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CTR- 2 <br /> <br />Order No.: 417375 <br /> <br />County, at Page 68; and running thence easterly 599.94 feet, thence south 48° O' <br />west, 157.52 feet; thence south 7° 8' east 99.43 feet; thence south 30° 14' <br />west 158.69 feet; thence south 16° 55' west 141.48 feet, thence south 76° <br />44' west, 74.90 feet; thence south 61° 46' west 42.89 feet; thence south <br />39° 18' west 183.24 feet; thence south 52° 31' west, 101.76 feet; thence <br />south 58° 11' west 62.37 feet, more or less, to the said Section line <br />common to Sections 13 and 14, Township 3 South Range 1 West M.D.B. & M.; <br />and running thence northerly along said Section line common to Sections 13 <br />and 14; 750.58 feet more or less, to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />PARCEL 3: <br /> <br />Beginning at a point in the center line of Foothill Road, also known as the <br />County Road, leading from Dublin to Sunol, at the southeast corner of that <br />certain parcel of land conveyed by Ernest T. Minney, et al, to M.E. <br />Roberts, by deed dated November 27, 1928, and recorded in Liber 1951 of <br />Official Records of Alameda County, at Page 429; and running thence south <br />67° 45' west along the northern boundary line of the land of J. W. Vickery, <br />609.82 feet; thence west 2565 feet more or less, to the dividing line <br />between Section 13 and 14, Township 3 South, Range 1 West, M.D.B.&M; thence <br />along said dividing line north 0° 10' east 1066 feet; thence leaving said <br />line and running east 1137 feet more or less, to the southwestern boundary <br />line of the land of Musser; thence along said last named line south 50° 11' <br />east 152.45 feet; thence continuing along the line of the lands of Musser <br />north 39° 49' east 400 feet; thence continuing along the line of the lands <br />of Musser north 50° 41' west 326.48 feet; thence continuing along the <br />boundary line of said land of Musser south 39° 49' west 86.36 feet; thence <br />south 30° 29' west 50.05 feet; thence leaving said boundary line north 9° <br />02' east 63.50 feet; north 56° 15' east 84.80 feet; north 76° 23' east 72 <br />feet; thence south 62° 44' east 71.50 feet; thence south 52° 51' east <br />100.30 feet; thence south 46° 49' east 175.80 feet; thence south 21° 43' <br />east 89.80 feet; thence south 54° 25' east 121.55 feet; thence south 28° <br />07' east 75.50 feet; thence east 262.80 feet; thence north 19° 41' west <br />208.83 feet; thence north 67° 45' east 786.73 feet, more or less, to the <br />said center line of Foothill Road, also known as the County Road leading <br />from Dublin to Sunol; thence along the center line of said Road south 18° <br />45' east 1298.99 feet to an angle point therein; thence south 11° 31' east <br />100.47 feet to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />PARCEL 4: <br /> <br />Beginning at the point of intersection of northern boundary line of that <br />certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by Ernest T. Minney and Anna G. <br />Minney, his wife, to M. E. Roberts, by deed dated January 12, 1929, and <br />recorded January 17, 1929 in Liber 2049 of Official Records of Alameda <br />County at Page 68, with the center line of the County Road leading from <br /> <br />FIRST AMERICAN TITLE <br /> <br />EXHIBIT A <br /> <br /> <br />