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X65 Cl a.aca Lawn e <br />New Horne green Poirttti ~;hecklist -~~ BuildltGreeri <br />T~:e Green Points checklis? Vacks green features incorporated into the home. The recommended mini- <br />mum regwrements far a green home are: Earn a tota~ of 50 points or mores obtain the fcllow!ng min!mum - 25 --- - <br />po~,rts per category Energy 111). Indoor Au Quanty Health I51 Resources 16). antl Water (3): and meet 16 <br />the p•eregws'~tes A 3 a i50`_ construc;!on waste dwersioni and N.1 Ilncorporate Green Points checklist ~ 13 i1 <br />in bwepnnts! 3 , , <br />~ - <br /> J T N U <br /> «3 ~ Q N IV <br />w Q t 2 <br />3 <br />U <br /> c <br />i <br />A. SITE Possible Points <br /> 1. Protect Native Soil and Minimize Disruption of Existing Plants & Trees <br />^~ a. Protect nlatN~e Topsotl from Eres!on and Reuse after Construction ~' <br />^ b. Lima and Delineate Construction footprint for Maximum Protection '.. <br />^ 2. Deconstruct Instead of Demolishing Existing BuIldings On Slte <br /> 3. Recycle Job Site Construction Waste (Including Green Waste) <br />~ a Mmunum 50°~ waste Dversion bt weight ~Recychng or Reuses - ~r~.n.:re~r Y <br />^ t Minimum. 65`.: Diversion by Weight iRecychng or Reuse! <br />^ ~. Minimum 8n°, Diversron by Weight!Recycling or Reuse! ' _ <br /> 4. Use Recycled Content Aggregate (Minimum 25°0) <br />^~ a. Walkway and Driveway <br />^~ b. Roadway Base <br />B. LAND3CAPIIYG Possible Points <br />1. Construct Resource-Efficient Landscapes <br />Q a No Invasive Species Listed by Cal-IPC Are Planted <br />b No Plant Spec!es Will Require Hedging <br />Q c 75`: of Plants Are California Natives or Medderranean Species <br />^ 2. Use FVrSafe Landscaping Techniques , <br />3. Minimize Turf Areas in Landscape Installed by Builder <br />Q a All Turf W!II Have a Water Requirement Less than or Equal to Tall Fescue <br />^~ b Turf Shall Nut Be Installed on Slopes Exreeding 10` or in Areas Less than 8 Feet Wide <br />^ c. Turf is <33`~ of Landscaped Area <br />^ d Turf is <10°_ of Landscaped Area <br />Q 4. Plant Shade Trees <br />^ 5. Implement Hydrozoning: Group Plams by Water Needs <br />6. Install High-Efficiency Irrigation Systems <br />^~ e System Jses Only Law-Flow Dnp. Bubblers. or Low flow Sprinklers <br />^ G System Has Smart iWeather-Based! Controllers <br />0 7. Apply Two Inches of Compost In the Top 6 to 12 Inches of Soil <br />0. Mulch All Planting Beds to the Greater of 2 Inches or Local Water Ordinance Requirement <br />^ 9. Use 50% Salvaged or Recycled~ontent Materials fa 50% of Non-PIaM Landscape Elements <br />10. Reduce Light Pollution by ShIelding Fixtures andlor Directing Light Downward <br />C. FOUNDATION Possible Points <br />1. Incorporate Recycled Flyash In Concrete <br />a. Minimum 20°i° Ftyash <br />^ b. Minimum 26% Ftyash <br />^ 2. Use Frost-Protected Shallow Foundation in Cold Areas (C.E.C. Climate Zone 16) <br />^ 3. Use Radon Resistant Canshuctlon (In At-Risk Locations Only) <br />D. STRUCTURAL FRAME & HUII,DING ENVELOPE Possible Points <br />' 1. Apply Optimal Value Engineering ' <br />^ a 2x4 Studs a124-Inch On Center Framing ', <br />G. Door and Window Headers Sized for Load <br />^ c. Use Only Jack and Cnpple Studs Requued for Load , <br />New Home Green Points 2005 Edition Page 1 of 4 <br />