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<br />Program 10.2: Continue to support the Chain-of-Lakes concept as a buffer between the <br /> <br />two cities. <br /> <br />Streetscapes <br /> <br />GoalS: <br /> <br />Enhance streetscapes and areas near the freeways. <br /> <br />Policy 11: Enhance landscaping along city streets and the freeways. <br /> <br />Program 11.1: Complete and infill the street tree and median landscaping along streets, <br /> <br />when feasible. <br /> <br />Program 11.2: When the opportunity arises and when feasible, add landscaped parkway <br />strips along street edges to soften their appearance and improve the pedestrian experience. <br /> <br />Program 11.3: Increase the width of existing narrow parkway strips when the opportunity <br />arises, and encourage applicants of new developments to provide parkway strips which are <br />at least 6-10 feet wide. <br /> <br />Program 11.4: Install landscaped instead of paved medians and replace paved medians <br />with landscaped medians wider than 6 feet, whenever possible and feasible. <br /> <br />Program 11.5: In new developments, require developers, owners associations, or <br />maintenance associations to maintain landscaped medians. <br /> <br />Program 11.6: Provide landscaping to soften the visual appearance of existing and new <br />walls and fences that abut city streets, whenever possible and feasible. <br /> <br />Program 11.7: Require additional setbacks and screening of development adjacent to a <br />freeway. <br /> <br />Program 11.8: Work with Caltrans to enhance landscaping along the freeways. <br /> <br />Program 11.9: Along streets, work with developers and property owners to place a greater <br />emphasis on the use of native plant species and on pruning techniques which allow species <br />to appear more as they would in a natural setting, especially in larger planting areas. <br /> <br />Policy 12: Repair existing City-owned soundwalls and fences facing city streets, when in disrepair, and <br />discourage the installation of new soundwalls facing city streets and freeways. <br /> <br />Program 12.1: Encourage the construction of landscaped berms, similar types of <br />significantly landscaped sound barriers, larger setbacks, frontage roads, and/or other design <br />techniques, instead of soundwalls. <br /> <br />Program 12.2: In new developments, require the project developer, owners association, <br />maintenance association, or similar association to maintain sound barriers. <br /> <br />Community Character 011607 clt:an <br /> <br />10-17 <br /> <br />1/3/2007 <br />