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<br />Policy 5: Encourage commercial development with frontages on arroyos and canals to orient outside <br />activity areas, decks, and views to the arroyos and canals. <br /> <br />Program 5.1: When property owners apply for site changes, provide suggestions for <br />additional integration of uses with the arroyos and canals. <br /> <br />Policy 7: Enhance the visual appearance of the arroyos. <br /> <br />Program 7.1: Improve the appearance of bridges over the arroyos with new railings, <br />landscaping, lighting, signage, and other design techniques. <br /> <br />Program 7.2: Work with Zone 7 to promote strategies for improving the cleanliness of the <br />arroyos. <br /> <br />Program 7.3: Work with Zone 7 to improve landscaping along the arroyos and canals, to <br />minimize fencing where appropriate, and to provide aesthetically pleasing arroyo and canal <br />fence designs when fencing is necessary. <br /> <br />City Entryways and Edges <br />Goal 4: Enhance the appearance of major city entryways. <br /> <br />Policy 9: Improve the visual quality of entryways to Pleasanton. <br /> <br />Program 9.1: As part of the design review process, encourage the installation of distinctive <br />landscaping, and discourage advertising signage and bright franchise colors at major street <br />entryways to the City. <br /> <br />Program 9.2: The City should be particularly sensitive to aesthetic considerations when <br />land-use planning in areas adjacent to City entryways. <br /> <br />Program 9.3: Design and install City identification signs at major entryways to the City. <br /> <br />Program 9.4: Give the Hopyard/I-580 area a high priority for visual improvement when <br />making land-use and public investment decisions. <br /> <br />Program 9.5: Consider new locations near entryways for community-service-organization <br />signboards. <br /> <br />Policy 10: Continue to maintain a visual separation between Pleasanton and Livermore along Stanley <br /> <br />Boulevard. <br /> <br />Program 10.1: As part of the East Pleasanton Specific Plan, require architectural and/or <br />site design treatments, such as larger setbacks, and dense landscaping, to maintain the <br />visual separation between the eastern edge of Pleasanton and western edge of Livermore. <br /> <br />Community Character 011607 clean <br /> <br />10-16 <br /> <br />1/3/2007 <br />